War Is Coming RPG.

October 25th, 2012

October 25th, 2012

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Who: Grace!
What: Getting transported to Lawrence and searching for her papa
When: NOW! Basically all day/afternoon of 25 October
Where: Park, restaurant, around Lawrence, internet cafe
Rating: Low but precious
Status: Narrative | Complete

And every daughter tends to say her father tops )

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Who: Kaylee
What: From being tied up to being tied up in Lawrence and wandering about.
When: NOW! Basically all day/afternoon of 25 October
Where: Park, cafe, etc
Rating: Mediumish?
Status: Narrative | Complete

Gorram it! )

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Who: Amy Pond (&...?)
What: Arrival
When: Night
Rating: LOW?
Status: Incomplete and open

Ood air. Ugh. )
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