War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


March 8th, 2013

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Who: Grace and Emily.
What: Grace is taking care of a baby while Maleficent lashes out at everyone. It's okay. Papas, they always find you. Sometimes it just takes them longer than you want.
When: 8 March 2013
Where: In the house Maleficent stole in the room Grace has been locked in
Warnings: ....if there are warnings from Grace that ARENT adorableness and precious, I"m doing it wrong.
Status: Narrative | Complete

The stars are all my friends til the nighttime ends, so I know I'm not alone when I'm here on my own, in the silent slumber I'm not alone, you're not alone, not really alone )

January 4th, 2013

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Who: Jane and Grace
What: an arrival
When: after school lets out this afternoon
Where: near the elementary school
Rating: this is rated kittens and rainbows
Status: In Progress

raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens )

October 25th, 2012

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Who: Grace!
What: Getting transported to Lawrence and searching for her papa
When: NOW! Basically all day/afternoon of 25 October
Where: Park, restaurant, around Lawrence, internet cafe
Rating: Low but precious
Status: Narrative | Complete

And every daughter tends to say her father tops )
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