War Is Coming RPG.

December 6th, 2011

December 6th, 2011

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Who: Dan Ketch and Felicia Hardy
What: Danny’s getting food and has no idea why!
When: 12/03/2011, after this
Where: Starts in the park Danny arrived in, then probably back to the complex for foods.
Warnings: Besides Danny’s dark mental state, probably none.

The park on the corner of Lincoln hadn’t changed much in eleven years. )

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Who: Rose Tyler and Casey Jones
What: Pizza and beer and chatting and things
When: Monday night
Where: Starting at the complex, I assume
Warnings: Casey's got a mouth on him and Rose is mad at Sam...s'all I got!

Why couldn't the Apocalypse have chosen a nice, warm location, like Miami? )

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Who: Ariel and Abby
What: Cheering people up is what Abby does best, and Ariel is in need of some.
When: Morning of December 5th (slightly backdated!)
Where: Various places in Lawrence
Warnings: Rated D for Disney.

Today Ariel would have a good word of the day )
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