War Is Coming RPG.

October 16th, 2011

October 16th, 2011

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Who: Nate Grey and Kimberly Corman
What: Kim and Nate spend a night out on the town in Vegas. Unfortunately, so does TMZ.
When: October 15th, night.
Where: Vegas. Probably the strip, says the guy who has never actually been to Vegas.
Warnings: Probably none.

Viva Las Vegas. )

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WHO: Alice Longbottom and Darcy Rhone
WHAT: Darcy practing the mom thing with every chance she can get
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: Alice's flat
RATING: Probably G
STATUS: In progress

Her kids were going to get sick someday; that was completely inevitable. Why not practice on someone who could tell her what she needed and get that experience under her belt? )
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