War Is Coming RPG.

October 15th, 2011

October 15th, 2011

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WHO: Rex Matheson and OTA
WHAT: Getting coffee
WHERE: Random Starbucks near the complex
WHEN: 7ish in the morning
RATING: TBA probably PG at worst
STATUS: Incomplete

It wasn't so much that Rex was lonely, because he really wasn't. )

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Who: Sexy and OTA if so desired =D
What: Trying to avoid being taken again because she doesn't grasp what's going on.
When: Tonight
Where: Who knows, she's trying to run away to avoid another round of torture/attempted death by Sam O.o Don't ask. Really, just don't.
Warnings: Depends on if anyone shows up? But besides brief mentions of torture, should be none

For now, she would catch her breath and try to still the images of the past to keep them from suffocating her as the wrong time lines had. )
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