War Is Coming RPG.

January 24th, 2011

January 24th, 2011

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Who: Prue and NPC!demons
What: A kidnapping
When: Yesterday!
Where: An ambush on Prue's way back from work
Warnings: Violence

Kidnapping a telekinetic witch could be troublesome )

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Who: Booth and Parker (Leverage!)
What:Drinking-possibly heavily
When: Backdated slightly to last night.
Where: random bar of random.
Warnings: tba

whoever came up with the phrase 'sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me' needed to be shot in the kneecaps. )

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Who: Booth and Buffy
What: drama llama. I mean come on, what else is it with these two.
When: backdated to yesterday before bar times.
Where: coffee shop.
Warnings: D is for drama and dysfunctional.

he had so much on his mind and none of it was good.. )
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