WHO: Sam Winchester and Pike. WHAT: He's not drunk enough for this shit. WHEN: Evening. WHERE: A bar. RATING: TBD.
It was his stubborn refusal to turn to Ruby that brought him to the bar that night. Rather than visiting the demon for his usual fix of blood, he had decided to aim for something else. Alcohol was going to be the replacement, but it would keep him away from Ruby for the evening. Why was he trying to avoid Ruby, one might ask? He had a list of reasons: they were moving too quickly, he didn't want to get too close to her right now after everything that had happened, he wasn't sure that he was supposed to be getting close to her in general, and, of course, she had gone ahead and pissed him off all over again. He had known, from that moment in which Ruby had admitted to being on Azazel's side all this time onward, that Ruby had gone out and done some things prior to then that he was going to hate. She had killed people. Sam had been somewhat able to accept that fact. But learning that she had been partly responsible for the deaths of those people at the police station? Where he and Dean had done everything in their power to keep those people from being murdered by the dozens of demons grouped outside the building? It had set him off so badly that Sam found himself unable to respond to her any longer. Over the computer. How hard was it to really type in a response over the computer? Either way, he had been itching for a good fix. Now that he was too pissed off to bother with Ruby for the night, Sam was substituting his craving with booze.
And, oh, what a poor substitution it was.
Having claimed the peanut bowl as his own, Sam sat hunched over the bar quietly with a beer in one hand and an impatient wrist occupied with drumming his fingers against the bartop. If he didn't slow down, he was probably going to get himself drunk. It had been a good while since Sam had drank himself silly, but this was beginning to look like one of those nights. He couldn't help himself. He was frustrated, he needed blood, and he had to do something. If this was the solution? Then so be it. Except Sam knew that it wasn't quite a solution. It was more like a temporary way to keep himself from dealing with the fact that being with Ruby sometimes came with crap like this that was going to catch him off guard. He had to eventually learn to accept that fact and deal with it as it came along.
Right now though? He was going to drink. And he was going to enjoy it very much. When the bartender came back around and asked him if he wanted another beer to replace his last, Sam shook his head. No, the beer wasn't cutting it. Even though he was already feeling a bit lightheaded, he simply said, "Whiskey this time. And keep 'em coming."