January 4th, 2014



Stranger Tides: A OUAT Panfandom

stranger tides
A Once Upon a Time Panfandom
Come sail away to a world of dreams and imagination.

Magic has gone amok. The residents of Storybrooke, as well as other people from other worlds and realities, have found themselves pulled into Neverland. In a world of imagination where anything is possible, as more and more people arrive, the world of Neverland is changing and shaping itself to meet the dreams and realities of these new comers.

While Neverland is indeed a wondrous place, it is also a very, very dangerous place ruled by a being that most would not suspect.

Stranger Tides is a panfandom game set in the Once Upon a Time fandom. Explore not just the island and seas of Neverland, but other islands that represent different worlds and times giving you a rich and interesting setting to explore. The mods encourage individual character develop and plot along side interesting game wide plots and events.

Characters from many different fandoms welcome.

Current fandoms represented: Once Upon a Time, The Dark Tower, Doctor Who, Dragon Age, The Dresden Files, Elder Scrolls, Firefly, Heroes, The Hunger Games, Indiana Jones, The Losers, Mass Effect, Percy Jackson, Teen Wolf, Robin Hood, Sanctuary, Uncharted, The Vampire Diaries, Wizard of Oz.

Join Us Today!
Just head to The Second Star to the Right and Straight On Till Morning!



[No Subject]


We are an fun and very active GLEE Roleplay Game on Insanejournal, from journals to threads to AIM chats, there are so many ways we play together. We are cuttently looking for a number of characters, including main characters, Warblers and original characters. Some of the characters we’re looking for are:
Further Information )



[No Subject]






Dropbox (Any queries answered here)


Wanted Characters
Wanted Fandoms

Player only
Contact List
Assigned Rooms
Items/Abilities List
Friend All Button
Group Chat

You wake to find yourself alone, with a pounding headache and a horribly sore neck. A tannoy above your head announces:

"Welcome to the orb, you have been assigned to a living zone, your movements are now monitored and rules are mandatory... Do not attempt to resist."

You must now find a way to adapt to your new situation - to survive, thrive and, of course, the ultimate goal, escape back to your own reality.


‘Escape From the Orb’ is a panfandom game set in a enclosed complex made up of domed structures known as ‘orbs’.

It is a points based game to encourage participation all round.

Upon arrival, each character find themselves within an assigned room within one of the orbs. They have had a chip implanted at the base of their brains, at the top of their necks. This fact is unknown to the character until they are either told about it by someone else or find out about it the hard way.

Initially, only two orbs will be open to players and characters will be spread out evenly between the two. Once we reach a certain number of characters a third orb will open up.

Characters will only be aware of their orb and its occupants to begin with, this does include net posts.

So, if this type of game appeals to you then please read the relevant information and join us!

If you have any questions feel free to contact us: escape.mods@yahoo.com

GAME OPENS JANUARY 18TH! Join today>>>>>



[No Subject]




Respect Your Education

Character Directory
There comes a time in every young man and young woman's life when they have to ask themselves one of two questions. For the less fortunate among us, that question is what would they be willing to sacrifice to get one of the best educations in the country? Would they willingly give up their dignity? Their freedom? Their body? And for those who are considered to be amongst the country's elite, the 1% as they are often called, they have to ask themselves what they would do if they were given near absolute power? Would they lord it over others like the old nobles did? Or would they treat those considered beneath them as equals?



[No Subject]







Pack Werewolves
Pride Lion Shifters
Clan Hyena Shifters

"The real world is where the monsters are."

For as long as anyone can remember, San Luis Obispo has been a place of beauty; a place for tourists to stop by on their way to the larger cities along the California coast, a place for people to come wanting a quiet week away, a good stopping point for those headed to the national park.

And yet this pretty, quiet county just happens to be sitting on a Hellmouth. A Hellmouth which, up until 2002, was mostly dormant.

You see, it wasn't named after a Saint for no reason. When the Spanish explorer sailed into the harbour, in the late 1700s, he had no idea what he was getting himself or his men into. He couldn't understand why the neighbouring Chumash tribes weren't making use of the deep, protective harbour which had granted his ships safe passage and provided them with shelter from the storms and swells of the Pacific Ocean. Why weren't they fishing in these waters? Why did they stay in the confines of the glaciers and forest?

The answer was simple, and it came to Francisco, their captain, exactly three days later, when he awoke to discover seven blood soaked bodies lying neatly at the edge of his camp. Another three days passed and he awoke to find the same thing. Except this time, the bodies were drained of blood. Three days later, while scouting in the forest, he came face to face with his friend Pere. No big deal you might think, only he'd buried Pere himself two nights prior. It was then that Francisco began to realise what he was dealing with. Not the tribes, as he'd first thought, but demons.

No one knows exactly what happened in the weeks following. Francisco never spoke about it, and neither have the Chumash people. But if you were there you'd know that blood was spilled, sacrifices were made and at some point, the Hellmouth temporarily closed. Without its pull the demons retreated back into the darkness and left the little harbour town alone. San Luis Obispo was born, the church was erected for safe-keeping, Francisco went back to Spain, and the centuries slowly passed until the city's bloody history was completely forgotten.

GAME OPENED OCTOBER 2012. Join today!