February 18th, 2011


An Original Character RPG - OPENS AT 10 APPS

In a world where superpowers and by extension superheroes are new, what do the journalists write about? Set on the west coast between Seattle and Portland, Capitol City is the bustling hub of the west. In the summer of 2010 Capitol City got it's first superhero and since then 'Superheroes' have started popping up in cities across the world. These weren't just everyday people, they had real powers and some of them extremely dangerous. Not everyone is nice and agreeable, there are some out for revenge against those who have crossed them.

There are also a select few who are standing up to fight against newly realized villains. New York has Epsilon, Atlanta has The Gladiator and Capitol City has Young Guardian. Everyday each city is getting it's own vigilante and with people manifesting powers everyday, who else will stand and fight with these few.

The Evening Courier is a game based around a busy and renowned newspaper office. Here you can play a journalist, superhero or a villain. In a city constantly in danger, where will your character be? Writing the front page story, saving the innocent or creating the havoc?



[No Subject]

I'd love for a sl for Daken over at [info]savethecomicmod. I perfer to do slash against any marvel character or PB of your choice. The only way I'll do het is if he's paired against Karla Sofen. You can pm this journal or IM me at spyderpeaches.



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Within the lands of the True Game, humans have come to possess any combination of eleven different talents. Beguiling, elating, firestarting, flight, healing, moving, necromancy, reading, seeing, shapeshifting, and storing. People can have complete control over only one ability, or moderate levels of up to four. The world is rife with the talented but it's usually rare to find two of the exact same combinations of talents.

Here in the Sapphire Domain, multiple talents abound though few are known to have only beguiling as a talent. Not only is this domain know for its low number of beguilers, but for an amazing amounts of years of victory in battle and peace. In fact, the domain seems just a little too perfect. What could be being hidden within its borders?

The Sapphire Domain has been unscathed by games for the last ten years. Some say Willem is the most intelligent, tactical and all around best ruler the Sapphire Domain has ever had. Others wonder just what powers he holds that have kept him and his contingency from ever losing a battle. Whispers abound: is he hiding something? Is there a greater power than his? But the real question is, how much longer can his winning streak last?



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What if heroes were forced to register into a government run database, revealing their identity and subjecting them to the will of the politicians? Which heroes would go along with the act? Which would resist? Who is responsible for protecting the world now? And who are the true villains?

As a part of the Super Hero Registration Act, the government has issued a law that any and all beings will special abilities are to release their identity to the Federation of United Nations. Even known villains are being subjected to the will of the world-wide governing organization and forced into rehabilitation programs where they will be offered a pardon for their crimes, so long as they follow the orders of the United Federation. The Problem is, can certain villains be rehabilitated? What are their true motives? Are they simply using their position as an tactical advantage to infiltrate and overcome global authorities?

Sure enough, directly under the eye of the UFN (United Federation of Nations), super villains are plotting an overtake of government, bidding their time and awaiting the moment for Dark Reign to begin…

Where will you fall in the midst of this political chaos? Will you join the Resistance and fight against the Registration Act or recognize the importance of diplomacy and work alongside elected officials (corrupt or not)? Or are you one of those taking advantage of the Civil War and have devious plans of your own? Will good over come evil or will the infighting caused by the UFN allow the world to fall into the hands of darkness?

[Premise based on the events of Marvel: Civil War and Marvel: Dark Reign.]

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Being part of something special makes you special. Or some shit like that.

Character Directory
Player Directory
Friending Button
A glee club is a musical group or choir group, historically of male voices but also of female or mixed voices, which traditionally specializes in the singing of short songs - or, you know, a bunch of total nerds thinking that they're going to earn some sort of social standing by singing a bunch of shitty old showtunes.

The Glee club of William McKinley High School has just come back from their February break, and they're gearing up for Regionals. Unfortunately for them, so is the competition. We know what the Warblers have been up to lately, but what about those jerks at Carmel? Just what have they been doing since they stole Sunshine Corazon away from McKinley?

Join Nude Erections New Directions and find out! Or you know, one of the many, more stimulating activities that McKinley High has to offer. And we're not just talking about Puckerman.


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The Rift



Character Directory</a>

Most Needed Characters

Tenth Doctor
Tenth II Doctor
Eleventh Doctor
Rory Williams
Toshiko Sato
Owen Harper
Rhys Williams
Martha Jones
Dateline: February 2008 Abaddon has been defeated and the Rift has stabilised.

The Doctor prepares to return Martha Jones to Earth just before the time he first meets her.

As far as Suzie Costello is concerned it's June 2007, she and Owen Harper have just worked their way through the wreckage of Torchwood One and her own personal plans are coming along nicely.

In the Alternative Universe, Rose Tyler and John Noble are settling down to an ordinary life.

Sudden sporadic activity around the Rift starts to take people from their time and dump them in Cardiff with no warning.

This game is set between Series 1 and Series 2 of Torchwood, before Jack disappears.

Join today>>>>>



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[info]fantasyislandrp via [info]frpadmin

Think of the Island like a gated community, where everyday people and celebs live side by side, shop at the same market, hang out at the same places. Tourists from exclusive cruise lines visit and keep the economy going there.

Among those we'd love to have:

Howie D, B-Rok, and Kevin to keep this guy and Nick company.

Trace Ayala for the bff bromance with Justin.

Chris Kirkpatrick and Joey Fatone to hang with JC, Justin, and Lance.

Katie is looking for someone to fill the lines of her family (mom, dad, brothers). The catch? The whole family is hiding from the Russian mafia. She has a few specifications for them, just ask.

More pretty girls for AJ to flirt with.

PBs, Celebs, all writing styles welcome.



[No Subject]

of separation
It's not what you have, it's who you know.
2006. After years of war and rebuilding, Wizarding Great Britain has finally moved on... and it is thriving! But old prejudices die hard... School rivalries still ring true, pureblood supremecists still hold their ideals close, and muggleborn rights activists still fight for equality. Not everyone gets along, and this world is far from perfect... but like it or not, we're all still connected.
Where will you fit in?

SEEKING: Quidditch players, Daily Prophet employees, Euan Abercrombie*, Luna Lovegood, Patrick Spinnet*, Patil twins, Georgina Hopkins*, and more!