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Jun. 12th, 2011


So. I realize there's activity checks going on, and this is a crummy time for it, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

My knee surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, June 13th. I apologize for being a little scarce but I've been wrapping things up at work and in larger amounts of pain than normal for some reason. Today I've got some last minute errands to tie up, and then tomorrow is the big day. So this is my official warning/notice of hiatus. Since I'll be in the hospital Mon-Wed, and then once I get home I doubt I'll be coherent enough to post. I'm going to say I'll need about a week and a half...maybe the most. Then I should be less drugged and good to go.

As always, you can reach me via email before then or after I'm out of the hospital, and I am VERY VERY sorry to have to do this. <3

Here, have Sam's abs as a consolation. ;)

Jun. 7th, 2011


Mod note

Okay. Cat again. I've been doing some thinking.

June 20th is still your deadline, but I'm going to be fair. I'm going to count anything from the past two weeks. I realize I was harsh but a lot of you are active regularly.

You guys know I love you, otherwise I wouldn't have totally devoted the past 4 hours I was supposed to be working to thinking about this.

Tonight I'll have a definitive list of who is in the clear and who needs posts.

Love ya,

Jun. 6th, 2011


Mod Post

Okay guys, it's time for Mod!Cat to be bad cop, and honestly, I really didn't want to have to do that.

June has started, and the past few weeks we've been really lax in activity checks. So much so, that activity has dwindled. This is not a good thing for rp, especially in the summer, where rps can die off so easily.

So, as of right now? Everyone is on notice. EVERYONE. Including us mods. You all have two weeks to post a journal and thread (yes, one of each) for your characters. This gives you two weeks to plot with someone to do a thread, or think of something to do with your characters that will give you some interaction.

I'm really not asking that much. That's really not that hard. One thread is nothing, and if you get someone to join you, then both of you are safe. So why do I even have to ask you to do it in the first place?

As of right now, though, I'm not playing. Any character that has not complied with this, as of June 20th, will be dropped from the game. Like I said, this includes mod characters.

Games thrive on activity. If we're not active, we might as well close. And I don't want to do that.

If you have any reason whatsoever where you cannot comply to this, please contact myself or Kassi with that reason. You can send us an email at and it'll be completely private. You don't have to do it on this page.

If you have a problem with this, well, there are other games where you have to post more than that weekly. So maybe you shouldn't be playing. I hate to be harsh, but I love this game and want to see it grow. I want us to all play together.

Any questions? Send them out.



This is mah angry faaace

Okay. Not really. Maybe a little bit. IDK.


Some recent dramatastic events in one of my games is prompting me to post this little diddy, as a reminder mostly.

You think I'm joking about this? I'm not. I will kick you out on your ass faster than you can say banana hammock and have your character killed of in a very nasty way. Why? Because murder makes for good fucking plot.

OOC Drama/bullying/bullshit will not be tolerated, in any way shape or form. If you feel that there is potential drama brewing, please, do NOT hesitate to contact me. My email and my AIM are on the contact list if you don't feel comfortable confronting the other player about it. Also, I'm screening the comments to this post, as another way to get in touch with me.

Jun. 4th, 2011



Just a couple of quick things. I'm (oh so painstakingly slowly) putting together a list of school clubs/sports. So please, Comment this post with the following (one comment will suffice, as long as it's got all your characters in it:


Also, I'd like to know which OC's tried out for Glee, and what songs they sang (mostly for current Glee Clubbers to reference and what-not.)


We're placing a cap on WMHS OC's played by in-game players, until we get Will Schuester, Mercedes Jones, and Mike Chang filled. We would really like to get the rest of our major canon cast filled in before we accept any more kids for WMHS. This doesn't affect Carmel High, Dalton Academy, or even Crawford Country Day kids, however.

Thank you for listening!
The Mods

May. 30th, 2011


Hey guys!

Just to let you know, Glee show up and you're in day auditions are Wednesday afternoon, 3pm, in the auditorium.

Obviously you know that pretty much anyone that joins Glee gets in even if you have absolutely no talent and are only there as a seat filler and annoy the hell out of mod!Cat, so.. yeah!

Have fun!


May. 23rd, 2011


Hi! Megan here again. First off, happy first day of school everyone! haha.

After a long hard think about it, I went ahead and started making rosters for the sports teams. I have yet to make one for football, but that's just because I ran out of time so far this morning. So, what I need, is that if you're kid plays a sport, please give me the team, number, and position. :)

So this is what I have:
Chase Balisy, 2, Defense, Hockey.
Luke Cooper, 7, R. Wing, Hockey.
Trevor Landon, ?, Goaltender, Hockey.
Cameron Kennedy, ?, ?, Hockey.

and I've got football stuff, but like I said, I have yet to work on the roster list for that, so anything you can give me, would be super helpful.

Awesome. This way when people app for sports teams there's no confusion. :D


May. 20th, 2011


I know I suck for taking a hiatus, but I will be departing for a trip to Costa Rica tomorrow (Saturday) and won't be back until either next Sunday or monday. I'll be online occasionally, but no promises!

Brittany (Shelby, Brittany, and Maggie)

May. 19th, 2011


Once upon a time the mods had a list of all of the character's aim names. And Megan is going to update that and add it to the nav page on the mod account. SO! What I need from all of you is to please leave a comment here so I can make sure that you get added!

Thank you very much!


May. 18th, 2011


Hi there *waves awkwardly* I'm Jess(ica) and I bring you Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. Okay, well, his middle name isn't REALLY Elizabeth, he just likes the Producers, like, a lot, and would rather be Kurt Elizabeth Hummel than Kurt Hugo Hummel because Hugo? Really, Dad? He knows it's like his great grandfather's name or whatever, but he never met the man. He doesn't remember anyone named Hugo.

Anyway, Kurt meet everybody, everybody... Kurt. (If you'd like to introduce yourselves, Kurt and I would love it!)

Kurt's aim is fashiongleeksta and mine is StraightTilMorning. I'm in EST, and I'm on nearly 73% of the time (and I'm also oddly specific).

May. 17th, 2011


Hey everyone! Jamie back again with character #2. His name is Cameron Kennedy. Senior. Hockey player. I'm not sure which position since I know we have a lot of hockey guys up in here. I need some help with that so I know I'm not accidentally pushing in on someone's spot. ;)

Anyway, he's into cars, rock, hockey (obviously). He's generally a nice guy, but can act like a jackass. here is his app if you want to check him out!

I need friends, enemies, exes, etc... Oh and his aim name is norelationtojohn.

Thanks so much! I'm excited to play him again!



Fail!Mod forgot to tell you all to GO RUN THE FRIEND BUTTON! And welcome a boatload more characters and stuff.

May. 15th, 2011



Or some similar trumpet-sounding typing. Callie here with another newbie! This one is not my fault, though. Kassi made me do it. <3

This is Brooklyn Eisley. She is the drummer for Roxie and Sadie's band, and has been in Lima for almost a year. She's more quiet than some might expect from a girl who plays drums, but she's not really shy. Brooke just prefers not to get all the attention on her and only opens up when she knows people well. She likes going out with friends and having fun, however, and can be quite upbeat and goofy around her close friends. Music is her LIFE and she loves it. Brooke can sing rather well, and plays the piano/keyboard in addition to the drums. (Though she loves her drums, no lie) She's pretty decent at writing lyrics, and will talk your EAR off about anything related to a band/instrument/song/ANYTHING music related. Otherwise she's pretty chill and a very laid-back friend who enjoys low-key friends. Sarcasm can be a friend of hers, but not in a mean way. She's just honest because music is all about honesty. Brooke is independent, and she will become fierce if you threaten a friend of hers.

She needs friends. Enemies. Exes. Whatever you can think of! You know where to find me if you think of something. (My AIM is mean to me so if I don't answer right away, I will come back once it lets me. <3)

May. 12th, 2011


Hey guys! This is Kassi back with kidlet # ... six. I think. Something like that.

This is Dylan Tyler. Dylan is a Senior, an Ex cheerio as of last year [and she barely survived with her life, thank you very much] and a classic car enthusiast. Okay, maybe a bit more than enthusiast. Obsessor. Crazy car girl? IDK, whatever you feel like calling her. She's the only girl in Advanced Automechanics at the high school. Yeah. She's nuts.

But! She's a total sweetheart, and will absolutely talk your ear off. Don't be surprised, though, if she makes a lot of car analogies and stuff. Because she's a total gearhead.

Plot. I loves it.<3


Okay! So. I am epic fail with intros, and considering I'm confusing myself a bit, I'm going to do a double intro in order to hopefully clear up a question. :D

Obviously this is Sam. I added him probably right before the reboot was decided, and forgot to intro him then. So now I'm confused because I know he's not in Glee yet, despite me writing him in Glee already lol. I also am saying he just moved to Lima and will be starting McKinley when school starts, but now I have no idea who might know him and who doesn't. He and Chase have commented so I figure they somehow met at some point during the summer, but don't wanna make assumptions about other people's bebes! So anyone who wants to be friends with Sam, have met him during the summer, etc would be awesome. I'd also like to ask if someone ELSE can convince him to join Glee. It would be fun, though if it's decided that Finn should still do it then I will happily do it as such. Just thought I'd toss it out there. :D

And then since I just got Finn approved a little bit ago (Callie fails at intro'ing just FYI; in the case the first time it was said didn't catch), I will add here that Finn is now officially in action. ([info]whatsacliche) So any original characters who want to offer up stuff, toss it at him! (Not literally though because hurting people is wrong ;) ) And of course, he is available for anyone's plotty use. Just ask me and I'll comply.


May. 9th, 2011


HI GUYS! It's Britt again. This is Maggie. She's a Junior at McKinley and her number one priority is qualifying for the 2016 olympics as a distance runner. Yeah, it's pretty far off, but she doesn't even care! She's a nice girl, a little shy except around her friends/teammates (she plays basketball and runs track and cross country), loves sports, and doesn't really get the whole artsy thing. She would be more likely to be friends with the jock types than with the gleek types, but she's open to both!

May. 8th, 2011


Intros! Newbie here!

Howdy everyone! I'm a new here,  I'm Michele, or Chele, which ever you prefer! I also answer to Pinky, since I have hot pink hair. (For serious, ask Callie!) and I'm so excited to be in a Glee RPG! I know that makes me a total geek, but aren't we all?! I found out about this game through my awesome friend Callie who also plays here, and again, SO EXCITED! Okay, done with the crazy excitement. <3

I have two original characters up for fun and stuff. First I have this journal here, which is Bret Landon, who is a rather shy girl, but my plan for her is for that to change. She is a sophomore and moved here a year ago with her older brother Trevor, who  is a senior this year. (He'll be intro-ed in a minute, he also demanded he be made, and I have NO self control) I am using the beautiful Taylor Swift, with glasses, but she seriously needs a make-over! Since her mom died when she was young, she has no idea about make-up or anything like that, and SOMEONE has to teach this poor girl! Look at that potential! (I am really hyper tonight. Forgive me.) At the current moment she is daydreaming about joining the Glee Club, as she has a very pretty voice, and is a rather good dancer. Also, she kinda has a crush on Puck, even though she's pretty sure he doesn't even know she's alive. I am open to friends, potential friends, love interests, etc!

And then we have her older brother Trevor [info]fightin_words. He's on the hockey team. I didn't pick a position for him yet, because he kinda wanted to be the goalie, but I saw that there was a wanted ad for a specific person for that, so any suggestions on position would be awesome. He plays track  as well, he likes to always be doing something physical. He's a charmer and a flirt and has left quite a few broken hearts in his wake, in the last year he's been here. He's very protective of his little sister, but really, if no one important really even knows he has a sister, he probably wouldn't notice. He likes to fight. Which is a problem, and he has a very bad temper.  He is also open to friends, enemies, flings of the past, present or future kinds.

Yeah. That's it! Thanks guys! <3

May. 7th, 2011


Run it!

Tap the Friend Button And welcome Chele with two kids! *excited*

May. 4th, 2011


Take 2 and NOT IC Because Kassi is a retard.

*Dramatic Opening Music*

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ....

There was this guy. And this guy, he had a dream; the dream of writing the biggest movie franchise ever. That man was George Lucas, to which we can credit the creation of the worlds greatest movies, and most epic story of all time.

Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you.

Love you guys. And ignore the fact that this was a total IC post earlier, because SW day iS NOT in August. Which it totally is in game right now.

May. 1st, 2011



It's official. As of 38 minutes ago (12 AM Monday, EST) Gleek Out is officially Rebooted. What does this mean exactly?

It means that tomorrow is Monday, August 2nd, 2010. School starts up in exactly three weeks and it will be the beginning of the Glee kid's JUNIOR YEAR. Yes. We started Season 2 over and we're writing it OUR WAY, from the beginning. All in-game backstory from before is now null and void, but I'm leaving everything up in the comms because I know how annoying it is to lose awesome logs and shit.

It also means a helpful in game calendar since we're running on a different month in-game than we are IRL. This calendar has Birthdates, holidays, and will eventually have a sports schedule with Hockey and Football on it (to start).

You also get a sexy new holds page and Cast Tables. As soon as crack!mod can find a suitable table, she'll also be making a sports/clubs list.

Go, have fun. Gleek Out.

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