November 2nd, 2010


[No Subject]

Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterward that counts. That's when you find out who you are. You'll see what I mean. - Whistler, Angel

Big moments. James Potter would never know how lucky he was that Sirius was in a rotten mood when Peter went to Sirius about switching the Secret Keeper. Sirius Black never switched with Peter. Peter never betrayed the best friends he ever had. Voldemort never found the house or their new identities. James Potter and Lily lived and had a few children. When Harry went to school, half of the Order and Aurors followed, but at the request of Albus Dumbledore, the students knowledge of it was on a need to know basis. Will their identities remain secret or will they need to run? Will James and Lily stay alive?

Game not yet made. Seeing the interest first. This game is intended for fun and not serious rp. Like we can have awesomely random and ridiculous plots for the fun of it or for the funtastic drama. It would take place in Harry's 6th year.

Staff needed to run it. I'm really awful at it lol. If there's no one interested in being staff then I'll see if i can make it work so that the only thing that needs staff is the apps which I'd be good with.

Plus, board or journal site?

Please let me know if interested, no big comments needed. Even a :) would work!

Hot Zone

The world could not account for the spike in unexplained phenomenon in 2009. Whole towns turned against one another, hail the size of tennis balls mingled with lightning-storms-turned-infernos, hurricanes in places there'd never been hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, and the list went on in such a short time. The religious grew louder, believing it to be a sign of the apocalypse, but they never really knew just how right they were.

May 2010, Detroit. Sam Winchester, separated from his brother Dean since September of the previous year, finally tired of his burden and invited the Devil in to stay, and that's when things really got weird. Within hours, Detroit was decimated, and the government could only point to such a wide-scale terrorist attack that martial law was eventually declared.

The virus, later revealed by its victims, is called Croatoan and all of those tainted run rabid, murdering and infecting anyone they come across who has not been infected. As the spread of the disease gets worse, the president does the unthinkable, bombing whole cities and plugging up routes to stop the spread of the disease and dooming those few survivors. Hope seems to have abandoned Earth.

News of Camp Chitaqua in South Dakota filtered through the survivors' grapevine and people began to flock to it like mecca. Craving safety, they even manage to put up with its gruff, unapologetic leader, Dean Winchester. No one is sure where the Rifters came from - or how - but they started turning up in 2011 near the perimeter of the camp. Most aren't here for long - they vanish without a trace one day - and those left behind have to weather illness, injury, Croats, and the impending sense of dread that inevitably comes when they realize they've missed the Rapture. Life is hard, and everyone has a job to do, but it beats the alternative and maybe you'll get lucky enough to be reunited with long-lost loved ones.


[No Subject]


Generation Boomer



A Next-Generation HP Game

Player Directory
Friending Button
They called the generation following the Second World War: The Baby Boomers. They were supposed to make the world a better place, and free from tyranny. However, like most things in this world no matter how hard you try, bad things happen. The Second War came and went, destroying just about everything in its path. Heroes rose, villains fell, sacrifices were made in the name of justice. Following the fall of the Dark Lord, and the Second War it was only natural that the trend from the past continue. Those who had survived carried on, to pass the torch down to their children, a new generation that seemed to spring out of the ashes.

This new generation, the Boomer Generation as they're now being called, was raised with the hope that they'd be able to create a new world, a better one, one that wouldn't fail into the habits of their parents generation. However, this can be said for both sides. For the children of the defeated have been growing with their own ideas to correct their sides own flaws, becoming more powerful everyday and the time is growing closer to unleashing their plan on the world...

Now Open! A ton of characters still available! Most Wanted:Scorpius Malfoy, Marc Montague, Cormac Rivers, Percival Zabini. Many characters still open!


[No Subject]


In the spring of 1998 the trio are captured in Malfoy Manor where fate would dictate they escape with the assistance of Dobby the House Elf. However, fate did not go according to the plan. In the last second the elf was killed leaving the trio to the mercy of You Know Who. With Potter captured the path was clear to the Ministry and after numerous show trials in July the Death Eaters took over completely. It is a plot that could fit into many games but there is one difference- it is not the Dark Lord that rules but a Dark Lady, there was not a boy who lived but a girl who lived, the greatest Headmaster that lived was actually a Headmistress and it was not mother’s love that made the girl who lived but that of a father.

Enter a world where the outcome of the war has not just been turned on its head, but every character’s gender.

Premise Rules FAQ Timeline Ministry Decrees Occupations
Available Characters Current Characters Wanted Characters Application

[No Subject]


Holds Application Cast FAQ Everything Else!

In 2023, the first Wizard University was opened in Ipswich, England. Offering an alternative to traditional internships, the school was a welcome relief to places such as St Mungos and Professional Quidditch Teams, where applicants far exceeded the vacancies. One year later the school is thriving with nine offered subjects, co-ed fraternities, street games, and Quidditch tournaments. Gossip and rumours, pranks, and day-to-day mishaps make college life anything but boring. Just mind the occasional streaker.

WMU is a next generation Harry Potter game set at university. With a focus on character development, good storylines, and both friendships and relationships between characters, we’ve gone back to basics that make role play fun. We encourage good writing, journaling, threading, and our players to simply relax and have fun.

Wanted: Madison Burton, Sigal and Tir members, 8th years planning to rush, and Quidditch players.

[No Subject]

Still in search of Burn Halo and especially BIGBANG to come to [info]wme would be great thanks!

[No Subject]

Boston College for Blended Academics

Mod Journal
IC Journal
OOC Journal


Character Directory
Player Directory
Friending Button

Most Wanted Characters

Your OCs
Ten years ago a university that specialized in mutant education along with the standard courses of studies was built. It was the first of its kind, implemented just after the mutant education act. The university is open to humans and mutants of all races, creeds and religions, giving them an equal opportunity at higher education.

Mutant U. is a co-ed, mutant/human university specializing in offering additional training for mutant powers alongside the curriculum for most common majors. The game allows canon and OC characters, humans and mutants, teachers, staff and students. The university is a microcosm that reflects some of the prejudices found in the outside world as well as those unique to college life.

MU is a College Level AU X-Men game set in modern day Boston. It is meant to be a place where OCs may flourish, new stories can be written and those who have moved on to college may begin again. The school grounds, commonly referred to as Mutant U., house both a university as well as a training facility. The game is open to mutants and humans age 18+, canon and original characters are both welcome. The game hopes to combine the social aspects of life as a mutant and a university student with the dangers that come from living in a world where humans and mutants coexist, sometimes not-so-peacefully.

Layout from RP Tutorials ♥


[No Subject]


September 27 the year of Our Lord 1510

      The seat of Saint Peter has not been an easy one to occupy since my ascension from Cardinal of Italy to Holy Father. I have seen the rise of three coronations, making boys – Kings. The Kings of Europe are strong in power and strong in wealth but weak in spirituality. Their courts are full of scandal, debauchery, betrayal and immorality. The King of France has dozens of illegitimate children, the King of England is a hidden opponent of the True Faith and it’s said he has pagan witches that do his bidding, the only King that is faithful to Rome is the Spanish King but he is a blood thirsty King. I am the Vicar of Christ, Lord, in His name give me the wisdom to guide these kings and keep them from dismantling themselves and their realms.

Pope Julius II

Game Setting - Drop Box - Rules and Guidelines - Held List/Taken List
Cast of Characters - French Court - English Court - Spanish Court - Application
Use of Communities - Resources - Credits


[No Subject]
