October 18th, 2010


X-2012, an AU X-Game

Though mutants have only existed for two short years, Charles Xavier believes that humans and mutants can share the planet in a peaceful co-existence. He has opened his home, creating the Xavier Haven for Gifted Individuals, to all mutants who need help or seek to better the world with patience and understanding, using violence as a last resort.
Impatient with the ignorance, fear and hatred of humans towards mutants, Erik Lensherr and his Acolytes broke away from the Haven and formed The Brotherhood of Mutants in order to pursue a dream of their own: Tolerance and acceptance now, not later. Convinced that only action will create change, they struggle to right the many injustices of the world.
Most Wanted: Beast, Boom Boom, Cyclops, Elixir, an ex-girlfriend, Forge, Emma Frost, Jubilee, Network, Mystique, Surge and you!
Mutants stand divided. Which side will you be on?
GameOOCModPremiseRulesFAQTeams & Cast
Holds & TakenWantedApplyTimelineDrop BoxSite Map
Active since November 2009, the split brings a fresh start to new players. New blood and new ideas wanted, and minimal X-Men knowledge needed to play.



[No Subject]


A generation of innocence will be lost

Everyone knows the story of how Dumbledore defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort in 1985, but in 2027, it's just that: a story. It's something they learn in History of Magic and ask their grandparents about for a first-hand account. But a darkness looms on the horizon for the next generation of kids, one that seeks to destroy the peace maintained in Britain for the last forty years, and this time, it's up to them to fight back, and not all of them will make it through to the other side.

Will you fight back or fold under the pressure?
Game opened on Thursday, September 2!

Mods // IC // OOC
Premise // Wanted // Cast // Directory


[No Subject]


We are a journalling system placed a fictional apartment complex called Pembroke Garden in London. Don't know much about London? No problem! We're happy to help you find schools, etc.

We are a very active community with a friends page that's always moving. We hold at least one group event a month so that it's easy for you to get interacting, and will tell you about real life events going on each week so it's simple to think of something for your character to do.

We want all of your favourite characters. London is a diverse place with something for everyone, and so bring us all of your characters, no matter what age, colour, gender or personality they have. We also accept original PBs!

The community has a great variety of PBs and I'm yet to see anyone who is ignored by the other members. It's extremely welcoming and active and we'd love to have you join us - Adds are every Wednesday and Sunday!



[No Subject]


faq | application | premades | holds | drop box

The world was ending. Literally. Like rain of toads, plaque of locusts, Four Horsemen, Judgment of God, heaven versus hell, two sides, one Fall, no holds barred. That kind of ending. And then, one day, out of the blue, it all stops. The weather goes back to normal. People are no longer dying en mass. Everything seems right with the world.

It's never that simple, though.

The monsters come out of hiding then, all bloodthirsty mass murder and possessions. It's almost too much to handle, but luckily, in the backwoods of Kansas, there's a sanctuary of sorts. A haven, where people can go to rest, to regroup, to form hunting parties, to just sit back and relax with like-minded people.

Welcome to the Rattlesnake Saloon
Sit back, have a beer, enjoy what little peace and quiet the world has left.
Because it's all about to get a hell of a lot worse.


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In the spring of 1998 the trio were captured in Malfoy Manor where fate would dictate they escape with the assistance of Dobby the House Elf. However, fate did not go according to the plan. In the last second the elf was killed leaving the trio to the mercy of You Know Who. With Potter captured the path was clear to the Ministry and after numerous show trials, in July, the Death Eaters took over completely. It is a plot that could fit into many games, but there is one difference- it is not the Dark Lord that rules but a Dark Lady, there was not a boy who lived but a Girl Who Lived, the greatest Headmaster that lived was actually a Headmistress and it was her father’s love not her mother’s love that allowed the Girl Who Lived to survive.

Enter a world where the outcome of the war has not just been turned on its head, but every character’s gender.

Opened September 10

Most Wanted Characters-[Dolores] Umbridge, [Rodolphus] Lestrange, [Amycus] Carrow, [Fred] Weasley, [Molly] Weasley, [Luna] Lovegood, [Daphne] Greengrass, Male Characters, School Aged Characters (Ginny’s Year and Under), Those in the Ministry, Marked Death Eaters

Premise Rules FAQ Timeline Ministry Decrees Occupations

Hogwarts Information Deceased Characters Available Characters Current Characters Wanted Characters Application

[No Subject]

Give me a home!

[No Subject]




One decision changes everything.

Currently Cast
Wanted Characters
FAQ/Drop Box
The Concept

Choices. We make them every day. Yes or no. Left or right. Chinese food or pizza. Should I stay or should I go? We make them without even realizing it, and they have shaped and molded us into the people we are today.
But as long as there have been choices, there has been the nagging question: ”How would my life be if I had done just one thing differently?” We’ve all asked it. Even you. What if I had said yes instead of no? Went right instead of left? Had pizza instead of Chinese? The concept of “What if...” has been around for as long as anyone can remember, but it’s always been just that; a concept.
But what if it wasn’t anymore?
The Experiment

Dr. Joshua Ryson. You may not know his name, at least not now, but when you hear about his life’s work, you’ll never forget him. It was Ryson’s idea to do an experiment based off of the “What if ...” concept. First he created the place; a “town” called Utopia. But what was a town without citizens? So he brought in people. Not just average joe’s like you and me, though. He brought in characters from different types of media; video games, books, movies, tv, and altered their history, their memories. Dr. Ryson changed one decision that each of these people made, and sat back and watched how it affected their lives and the lives of those around them. Because your choices don’t just affect you. They affect everyone you know.
Of course, they have no idea what’s going on. They have no idea that anythings been changed; they just think that’s how their life has always been. They have no idea that they’re every move is being monitored, and recorded, for science.
The Explanation

This game takes your favorite characters from literature, cinema, television, and video games and lets you decide how their life turned out. Maybe they didn’t sleep with someone. Maybe they did. Maybe their lives were changed by the simple choice of where to eat breakfast. For example, if Lilly Kane never slept with Aaron Echolls, there would have been no sex tapes to find and Lilly would have lived. This means that no one who comes in from after her death would be aware she died. Please consider the ways other characters decisions from your fandom would affect your character when applying.
The decision must be one made by your character, weather conscious or not. Also keep in mind that your character will not be the only one affected by this decision. Everyone in their lives will be changed by this. Also, just because your character’s history has been rewritten, it will not change their overall personality, or their sexuality, so keep it canon.



[No Subject]

Set around a group of secret parties held by an anonymous source in NYC. The Party is for people with something to hide, it provides a safe haven for people to express themselves in any manner they please without repercussion or judgment. The only rule is what happens at The Party, stays at The Party, if you talk about what you see/hear/experience there, then the trouble starts!

Angel needs her big brother & sister! Info found here! I'm not very picky with PBs. The preferred ones, in order, are as follows:

For her brother: Cam Gigandet, Hayden Christiansen, or Sebastian Stan
For her sister: Claire Danes, Evan Rachel Wood, or Mena Suvari

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[info]respond is a celeb game with unique activity measurements, an emphasis on commenting and gameplay such as apples to apples, isketch, mafia, and so on, and is slash, het, and femme friendly! almost everyone is open so far, come check us out.

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Divergence RPG )



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Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe. The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all the time. Some of them have no idea how they came to arrive, and some can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.


[No Subject]

Burn Halo, Zacky Baker, Supernatural cast, Glee cast, Vampire Diaries cast. More ladies please. As always too I'm looking for Bigbang over at [info]nightwalkers I will not give up!