April 14th, 2009


The Alteration: An All New Next Gen HP/Hogwarts RP


The Alteration:
a dark, non-epilogue compliant next-gen hogwarts roleply

The days of the Boy-Who-Once-Lived have come to an end. The supporters of a New Dark Lord are everywhere, and those against him have been hunted down mercilessly.

Wizarding Society, under the manipulative hand of a New Dark Lord, has reached the pinnacle of its decadence. Muggle-borns have all but been eradicated from the Magical World, after lengthy trials and experiments, hunted to near extinction...

click here for more information

[No Subject]




"Well, personally? I kinda want to slay the dragon. Let's go to work."

And get to work the remaining members of Angel Investigations did. Four heroes against a city run rampant with monsters of all shapes and sizes. When it was all said and done, the dragon was slayed. The others followed suit or fled for their lives. Gunn perished but Angel, Spike, and Illyria survived. The Senior Partners fell silent and the battle for control of Los Angeles was declared over at long last.

The city has begun to rebuild and people have returned to their daily lives since then. Yet, already plans are in motion to destroy the peace that has befallen the City of Angels. The Senior Partners are back, with a vengeance, and a plan they are certain will succeed. The Powers That Be have decided the time has come to mount a viable defense. Heroes and villains alike are arriving day and night. Some come with an understanding of what is to be expected. Some do not. And some are neither hero nor villain, but simply innocent pawns in a game where the rules are deadly and the winner, truly, can take it all. Now, only one question remains:

On which side of the battle lines do you fall?

Although Parabolical is a multi-fandom RPG set in the Angel-verse, knowledge of the show Angel the Series and/or Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not required.

[No Subject]

WTF?! RP - Not your typical Harry Potter Roleplay
Setting. Rules. Holds. Application.

Game Opened: April 1, 2009! Applications for female characters will be given priority.

WTF?! is a 'Harry Potter' afterlife-based roleplaying game set on its own island, called Sointula. It takes some of the clichés found so often in the fandom and in 'Potter' RPs and revels in them.

Four gods have set this island up so that they can observe peoples' daily lives. Think of it like a game of 'Sims' for the dead. The gods pick and choose who they want on their island for their own reasons and may or may not help people. They do whatever they want, because they can.

Note, though, that there's a lot of weirdness in this game. It's not your typical 'put everybody from the canon together in one place' type of setting. Modern Muggle technology is everywhere, and everyone who shows up on the island will know how to use that modern tech.

The game is quirky but not silly. There will be comedic storylines, and there will be dramatic storylines. It's all up to the players.

This game is looking for creative people who are willing to work within some set parameters and explore the possibilities of the fandom's clichés. Some aspects of your character's life on the island will be set by the gods when that character is accepted. If you're not comfortable with playing things that aren't determined by you, don't bother applying. It's not a crack game, despite it's name and setting, but it's also not 'high drama, all the time.' It needs players who have enough time to give to the game to develop their characters and storylines, not those who apply to every new game that starts up and never put in any quality time on any game because their creativity is spread too thin.

Characters that aren't active, or who only interact with one or two other characters, will be removed. That doesn't mean your character has to thread with every single person in the game, but you have to at least make an effort to have them talk to and interact with characters outside of those they were involved with in the novels. If you enjoy taking the canon characters outside of their comfort zones, exploring new possibilities, and you enjoy quality RP in an unusual setting, this game could be for you.

If you're looking for the same old tired stuff, go elsewhere.

Every character from the 'HP' canon is open for play, wizard, Muggle, or whatever, but be sure to read the Rules, Setting, Posting Guidelines, and Taken Characters & PB Lists, before applying.

I'm a harsh guy when it comes to my rules. If you give me crap, I'll give it back to you. I don't care who you are, or how your popular you are in the fandom, or how many games you're in, or how many times you've played 'X' character in games, or how long you've been RPing, or if you write fanfic that makes people squeal. I don't care.

Once you've read the threads, and you're still interested in applying, here's the Application.



[No Subject]

You're invited!

It's the year 1999, and Kingsley Shacklebolt is the Minister of Magic. Under his administration, the Ministry rounded up the last of the Death Eaters, leaving Azkaban completely overcrowded. Then a mysterious seer comes forward with a controversial solution: the Death Eater Reform Project. The program pairs known Death Eaters and their ilk with upstanding members of society, in the hopes of changing their former ways.

The Seer's visions have matched unlikely pairs, and unsurprisingly the road has not been easy. In fact, people are beginning to rebel against these so-called marriages. Some people think the Minister's gone mad. Some think the seer is corrupt. Few are looking forward to the day their own wedding comes. Because as they all know, once they're married, they're in it for good.

Till death do us part...





Picturesque: Creative Freedom!






We got hot plots in Picturesque! The exclusive island paradise is being eaten away by big business. Play for the side of small-town descendants fighting to keep their homes, or new rich who push the envelope for modernization. Make alliances, outsmart your enemies, gossip, get involved! Want relaxed personal storylines? Go for social climbing, career advancement, or romance. It's all up to you.


Choose from 80 well-balanced and diverse premades. Tons of variety in gender, social class, background, and involvement with others. Or, create your own original character and make your mark. All PBs allowed. All sexualities always open. No caps, no bans!


Show off your writing skills and share your knowledge with others, or get great writing tips with our critique opportunities. Submit your application (even anonymously!) to our group of talented writers. Best yet, we have a fun and respectful environment!

Game starts at 7 more characters! Get your holds in today!


[No Subject]

It's the year 2001 and all is well in the wizarding world. What was left of the wizarding community has been completely restored to the point of what's considered normality and the Minister of Magic has made a confident choice in letting both worlds collide just a little more. More and more wizards are branching out into the muggle world. The younger generations have found peace with the way things have turned out and they've moved on with their lives. Kids have moved out and started their lives as adults, intermingling with muggleborns and wizards alike. There are some, in the pureblood society especially, that do not agree with this new lifestyle that most of their schoolmates have chosen, but to fight this new social revolution would be moot.

[No Subject]


Rules | FAQ | Application | Taken | Contact List | Holds | Drop | Insta-Friends | IC Contact | Wanted


You wake up one morning with a headache, you wonder if you're hung-over but you didn't drink anything last night so that can't be it and after taking a painkiller and heading to work you forget all about it. A few days later you think you back to your childhood and there's a memory that doesn't fit, it doesn't make sense and you try not to think about it because it sets you and edge and makes you feel uncomfortable.

It doesn't stop.

Maybe weeks go by, or maybe it's months, and someone turns up on your doorstep. Maybe they look official, or they're wearing jeans and a T-Shirt, but they introduce themselves and tell you that they're from something called 'The Agency', they sit you down and if you're lucky they'll make you a cup of tea or pour you a drink before explaining it all to you.

The memories are real, but they're someone else's, someone you always thought of as fictional. You're what they call a reincarnate, someone who's been reincarnated from this fictional person, brought into this world with magic that no one yet understands.

They talk about a war that's being fought between two sides of reincarnates, the good and the bad. You're not told what side to pick or that you need to, but you know that a day will come when you and the person you were and are possibly becoming will need to choose.

Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide



Dark AU Harry Potter time-travel game

Premise | Characters | The story so far | Rules & Application

They had been granted an opportunity to put right everything that had gone wrong. Can Harry save his parents? Can Draco fix it so he is never asked to kill Dumbledore? Can Peter escape the lure of the Death Eaters? Can Severus keep Lily safe? Or could they possibly make everything worse?

Want something a little different? Looking for an AU game? A marauder-era game? A trio-era game? A game where you can play an evil Death Eater without people assuming that you are a horrible person in real life? A game where you can play an Order member with some actual opposition in-game? A game with talented players, an abundance of plot, and a promise not to die? ;-) Chronic Resurrection is a dark Harry Potter game set in 1978 and 1999 exploring the AU that arises following the inadvertent time-travel of four key individuals from 1999. We'd love it if you checked us out.

Most wanted:
Canon - SEVERUS SNAPE, Rabastan Lestrange, Mulciber, Ted Tonks.
OCs - Phillip, Kat and Damien Jugson (children of Armand and Keagan Jugson), Odette Avery (wife of Lanyon Avery), Francis Avery (son of Lanyon and Odette Avery).
DEATH EATERS in general, including a husband for Elette [nee Pucey].

marauders-era, post-warts

[info]an_ill_wind via [info]illwindmod
Game Rules | Character List | Wanted Characters | FAQ
Hogwarts Information | Pureblood Aristocracy | Application

It's 1980, and as the first war escalades out of control, history is changing. Severus Snape did not overhear the original prophecy, but Rita Skeeter did. Millicent Bagnold is dead. Regulus Black has not discovered Voldemort's use of horcruxes, and without an ominous threat against his immortality, Voldemort is focusing on taking control of all aspects of magical life. He is planning the eradication of Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix. Purist ideology is slowly taking over wizarding culture and influencing the choices of those fleeing the country, those abandoning their society masks, and those making a call to arms. Muggleborns face blood registration. Death Eaters are infiltrating the teetering, shaken government.

An ill wind is blowing nobody any good.

Why Apply?

This is a game with a structured plot and the outcome of all major plotlines relies on the participation of players and the actions of their characters. You can choose whether or not your character lives or dies. You can choose what path they follow. You can help to rearrange the puzzle pieces of canon history for a better or worse happily ever after.

We are a growing, organized, plot-driven game with many key characters available for application, and you might be just what we're missing. We would especially like to see Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, more DE's and DE supporters, media, and ministry employees!


[No Subject]


"become extraordinary."
+rules & faqs+application+taken characters+taken powers+places of interest+volumes+ooc

Premise ;

Evolution. Any process of formation of growth. A development. Evolution has been with this world ever since the very first organism was created and since then it has matured and evolved within its natural habitat. Races have been made and have gone through stages of genesis - a rebirth, becoming more than they are today. Humans of today are no different, their genetic makeup ever changing with breakthroughs in science being made. It is said that mankind will one day find its true potential, but is that day today? A man stands on rooftop in New York, wanting to prove to the world - to himself - that he can fly. A cheerleader in Odessa, Texas can heal from any injury, wondering if this change is ordinary, or if there is something extraordinary unfolding. Ordinary people will realize that they are capable of so much more. Some of them will accept their change. Some of them will fight it. Some will reap from both sides. Syndicates will be made. Sides will be drawn.

What part of evolution will you take?

Heroes - Syndicates - is a RPG based on NBC's Heroes, which is currently ending it's third season. Syndicates takes place in the very first season of the show, before the character dynamics and the storylines. This RPG forum does not necessarily need to follow the shows very structure (Seeing how Season Two was horrible), and can have its very own story made by us, the players.




Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Quadrivium RPG

“The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.” –J.R.R. Tolkien

Halloween, 1981, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell at the hands of one-year old Harry Potter, bringing an end to a decade long reign of terror, to the relief of the entire Wizarding World. Death Eaters were imprisoned, wounds healed, and the Wizarding World spent the next decade healing from the pain of the first war. Yet, Voldemort was not truly defeated that night. He will rise once more, bringing upon another viscous war upon the Wizarding World.

Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter, but until now, the story of what happened in between has been unknown.

It is 1990, the year before Harry Potter will discover he is a Wizard. Professor Quirrell is off to Albania where he will become a vessel for the weakened Dark Lord, Charlie Weasley and his friends are in their sixth-year at Hogwarts, and the foundation for the future is being paved.

They are at a crossroads, the road behind them broken and wilting. The road ahead lies a mystery, which paths will they chose? Who will they become? Only one thing is certain; they must continue on.

Quadrivium is a canon compliant Harry Potter Interim Era game taking place in 1990. Game opens May 09, 2009.

Most Wanted: Cedric Diggory, Marcus Flint, Hestia Jones, Terrence Higgs, Remus Lupin, Catriona McCormack, Kirley McCormack Quirinus Quirrell, Andromeda Tonks, Ted Tonks, Sybill Trelawney, Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Oliver Wood, and many others!