November 13th, 2008


[No Subject]


[info]estate via [info]housekeeper
Household-based RPG opening this Friday.



X-Project - An X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal



Warren Worthington III, known among the X-Men as the high-flying Angel, is the only son of wealthy parents. A little naive about the workings of the world, Warren was one of the school's earlier students and returned as a teacher and X-Man, having gained his law degree. He also found love at the school - a relationship with Piotr Rasputin - and the twenty-something is currently at the West Coast Annex. His family ties are in New York, however, and the school has a habit of drawing people back.

X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, we've been running since May 2003 and use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and we accept new characters as well as encourage people to adopt one of our orphans. We're especially seeking male students aged between 15-17.

Or, just read along and enjoy the ride!

The following characters are previously-played socks or NPCs available for application.

Wanted Characters )

Application|Taken/Available|Game History|Game Wiki|Now Playing|Rules|FAQ|Contact Us

[No Subject]


Stay for a year; Make a cool million.



Searching for Original Character game.

Hey everyone, I'm SkySong. I've mired myself pretty deeply in the X-Men fandom for the past few years, but lately I've been itching for a more original-character run. I'm leaning more of a modern/realistic game, or one that's supernatural-lite with the focus more on the mortal characters than Who's-That-Monster. Premade games are not a problem, but I do have a few very specific characters in my head who want attention (one of them's a teenager with a deep love of street hockey, the other's a bartender who's a little too fond of shooting things). No hookup games please.

If anyone knows of a game set in the 1990's there will be glomping.

[No Subject]


FAQ | Taken/Holds | Rules | Application | Premise
IC Comm | OOC Comm



In need of MALES and DOCTORS



[No Subject]

[info]sphere | [info]mankind | [info]attachments | NEXT ADD: 11/16/08
54 Taken, 5 Held. Get your character in now, you won't regret it.



[No Subject]

[info]mankind! It's a party all over the world.

I can offer lines in Paris, New York and San Francisco.



Click Link For Details

WANTED: Jason Segel, Justin Timberlake, & Seth Green!

[No Subject]



**Premise ** Rules ** Available Characters ** Taken/PBs ** Application**

** Journal ** OOC Journal ** AD Journal

What began as a silly little prank among friends has ended up as a school wide fad.

A few ambitious Gryffindors decided that since they were unable to find dates to the Halloween Ball, they would create a journal were they could post 'single ads'. This journal was accessible by any female or male in seventh year and served as an anonymous way for girls and boys to 'hook-up'.

A Slytherin who wished to remain anonymous has taken the idea on step further. He set up a service where for two galleons anyone could send in their ad and have it open for response from anyone from the four houses. He assigned each person a codename that they could use when responding and required that the users only contact each other anonymously in the ad journal until the springtime when he is planning a revealing ball when everyone who spoke in the ads could meet face to face. He calls himself 'Romeo".

When Minerva McGonagall, the current headmaster, finds out about the journal ad service, she consults the teachers at Hogwarts. It is concluded that while inappropriate on so many levels, it is fostering a sense of togetherness. It is bringing together students from rival houses.

We are a 7th year game that is focusing on relationships and dating.


WE ARE A BRAND NEW RPG SET TO OPEN November 21, 2008!!!!

[No Subject]

join [info]punkrockrpg bring us back to life!



Twilight RP

WANTED: Paul for Rachel Black, at [info]breakthedawn via [info]btdmods

Also: Tanya, Carmen, Eleazar, Brady, Collin, Seth Clearwater, Jared, Samuel Uley, The rest of the Volturi, and the other Vampire Covens!

Paradise X: It's like Sandals...with capes

Paradise X

Good. Evil. A little of both.
There are many reasons (and ways) to use your powers.
an erotic marvel universe game

LayoutJobsHousing Application

REOPENING FOR BUSINESS! Will reopen with 10 applications
Het/slash characters desired.

[greek swim] just like your mother, only better!


A Greek Mythology Roleplay set in Present Day. OPENING SOON!
With opportunities for character development and playing out your favorite myths.
A community by adults, for adults. Featuring mature content... fabulous content, fresh for you!

[wanted] hey guess what!
Loverboy EROS! Fishy wet Regal POSEIDON! Smexy ZEUS! Crazy-jealous HERA! Better-than-Rachael-Ray HESTIA! Lame Crafy HEPHAESTUS! Rainbowy IRIS! ARTEMIS, your twin NEEDS you! LOTS MORE AVAILABLE AND WANTED!

[premise] oodles of fancy
When Cronus was freed from his prison in Tartarus, it is said that he accepted his position as the king of the Elysian Islands, home of the blessed dead with humble dignity. But secretly he plotted.

Plotting and scheming, he got close to Ares, who had always eyed the throne of his father with cautious ambition, and stood behind as the God of War raised his forces. They, together with the ruling Titan brothers of old, toppled the rule of almighty Zeus and imprisoned those who had stood in their way down in Tartarus. Those who helped them fight, however, were rewarded. There was nothing to stop the titans' rule. No one could stand in their way now.

But fate would turn against those who had supported the cause of the Titans, as well. Gentle Rhea had acted before, and she would act again to protect her progeny and those who had come from them. Secretly, with help of the Fates, she freed the gods, placing them in mortal bodies, having them born into mortal families with mortal parents. And when word spread to those gods who had fought with the titans, she sent them all to the mortal plane as well.

Where are they now? They are living among us... ( read more )

[about] just like your mother, only better
[greek swim] is different. We're a community by adults, for adults, with a dark plot planned, but fear not! We're not all ho-hum-glum! We're serving up humor in copious quantities, featuring friendly players, available and open-to-suggestions moderators, bi-weekly community roleplay challenges in which players can choose to participate, and just looking to get you some good times! Well, if you're one of our players, that is... So come on, take a look! We even have daily event summaries of what's happened thus far in the game, so new players don't find playing 'catch-up' daunting. It's TAPAS FOR YOUR SOUL!

( more information: click here!!! )

[No Subject]

the PAST
A meteor shower bursts from space, raining destruction on the unsuspecting citizens of Smallville, Kansas but delivering to the Kent's a baby who will become known to the world as Superman : The Man of Steel.

Fourteen years later, the healing process has left the town's inhabitants with scars and secrets. A popular yet awkward teen by the name of Clark Kent attempts to decipher the meaning of his life and his clouded past, as he struggles with the transition from boyhood to adulthood, his strength and strange abilities set him apart from his peers.

Clark's loving, but protective parents, Jonathan and Martha eventually reveals his true origins. He is devastated by the discovery that the event which brought him to this world also killed the parents of his secret love, Lana Lang. As he struggles to make sense of his identity, Clark falls into an unstable friendship with young, well-to-do Lex Luther which eventually evolves into a rivalry and accepts his destiny that was literally written in the stars for him.
The past has been rewritten by Jor-El after the reconstruction of the Fortress of Solitude undoing certain major events in Clark’s life from his initial meeting with Lois Lane, Martha Kent gaining the senator seat, and major villains that wanted the blood of Krypton’s last son: General Zod, Brainiac, Doomsday and so on and so forth.

An event, that happened only to give his son, Kal-El; a somewhat normal life that included a world infected by the rocks that was once Krypton.

With the help of new allies, Clark continues his journey to save mankind from themselves and instill a sense of hope and security for the world as their rising savior. Now as an employee of the Daily Planet, as a reporter for the great Metropolitan newspaper; Clark uses his skills as a journalist along with the Planet’s resources which would allow him to keep track of ongoing events where he might be of help.

Largely working on his own, Clark’s identity is easily kept secret with just but a handful of allies that knows of his true identity.
the GAME
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