April 3rd, 2011


Kitty!Karen Strikes Again.

Who: Karen and Chris
Where: Chris' Apartment
When: Wednesday, March 30

Karen had very few friends in Vegas, even less now with her current run of bad luck in the casinos along the main stripe. Luck that had gotten to such a bad point that the blond shapeshifter found herself apartmentless and was presently crashing on the couch at Natashia's place. Which, while it wasn't a proper dwelling that most people would choose to live in, it was clean and had hot running water. It was better then living on the streets, and one of the last places Karen figured the loan shark she was indebted to would think to look for her.

Managing to get into the building that housed Chris' apartment, Karen climbed the stair in almost a run and was soon standing outside the guy's door knocking softly.

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Catching Up

Who: Blake and Chris
Where: Avarice II
When: Saturday, April 2nd

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