September 21st, 2010


Stopping In For A Book

Who: Jordan and Jessica
Where: The Ninth Circle Occult Shop
When: Monday Early Evening - September 20

Jordan had left The Mirage after a day of working with the dolphins exhibited at the hotel. Instead of heading home the brunette detoured to a shop she had heard about. There was a book she was looking to acquire and Jordan set her hopes high that the place would have the publication, or at least be able to order a copy for her. Parking her yellow 1979 VW Super Beetle Convertible in front of the shop Jordan exited the vehicle and strode confidently toward the entrance.

Dressed rather demurely in a snugly-fitting Lifehouse tee and low-slung painters jeans, her short read hair slightly mussed, Jessica got up from the floor, where she'd been organizing some of the books on the bottom shelf. Her smile was bright, and she gave an adorable little wave to the other girl.

"Hi... I'm Jessica... welcome to The Ninth Circle. Can I help you?"

And ending up with a date )



New Friend

`Who: Cordelia and Avasa
Where: Grocery Store in Vegas
When: About 2 a.m., technically Sept. 16th

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