July 7th, 2010



[No Subject]

Who: Brenna and Josie
Where: Avarice II
When: Saturday Evening, 7/3

After a day of moving into her new apartment, Josie decided to thank Brenna for helping her out by taking her out to Avarice II and buying a round of drinks. OK, she was taking her to a place that her parents kind of owned, but it was a cool place, and one of the few that she was familiar with in Vegas right now. It was just too weird for her to be living in the same city as her younger parents. Sure, she'd still visit on occasion, because now she was functionally getting along with them, unlike before, but she wanted to strike out on her own a little. Plus, she had gotten a job at an art museum in Vegas (yeah, Vegas has those), which was right up her alley, plus she had gotten a good deal on a huge loft apartment that had plenty of room for her to paint in. She grinned at Brenna as they walked inside. "Your parents did good with this place," she said, looking around.

"It is awesome, isn't it?" Brenna beamed with a smile as she walked into the club with Josie wearing a pair of slightly tattered denim shorts, black tank top and a cute little gangster type hat. Brenna had been super excited when she learned Josie was moving to the City of Sin and had insisted on helping her move into a place when the other found something to her liking. Having someone she actually knew from her time and place in the future was just going to be an awesome thing for the teen. With Josie she knew she could truly be herself and not have to keep any secrets from.

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