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[Jan. 20th, 2009|10:22 pm]
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Who: y!Lorelai and Alan
What: Awkward times!
Warnings: Um. Probably not! Just awkwardness.

Where am I? )
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[Jun. 26th, 2008|06:59 am]

Who: Lorelai Gilmore and Alan Shore
When: A week ago, before Rory came home but after this
What: A serious talk
Warnings: Possible word salad

That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, Bingo. )
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[May. 11th, 2008|09:47 pm]
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Who: Lorelai and Alan
Where: London office in the conference room.
What: Lorelai got sued and Alan is getting her out of it.
Warnings: probably.

This is just silly. )
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