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[Jan. 2nd, 2010|04:56 pm]
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Who: Teague Brennan and Dean Winchester
What: Manly things like hunting ghosts.
Where: Some abandoned burned out shell of a boarding school, Northern Ireland
When: Tonight
Warnings: Swearing, dead children

Read more... )
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[Dec. 7th, 2008|03:13 am]
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WHO: Sable Harris and Soren Skwigelf
WHAT: ...TeH dRaMaS!@1!!12
WHEN: Tomorrow morning... or afternoon... whatever.... after Soren and Cass's last thread!
WHERE: Sable's shop
WARNINGS: ...let's bet on it being NSFW for now.


Sable is not the sort of person to worry about things unnecessarily. She's also not the sort of person to sit around and do nothing until a resolution presents itself. Unfortunately, she's heard too little from Soren to have any grasp on what's going on at all. Therefor, lacking any means to productively tackle a problem she doesn't comprehend, she's spent the last day or so cleaning, reorganizing, and otherwise focusing on her shop and her business. It's come to a point where one or more of Sable's devoted regulars had convinced Judah to come park himself perpetually in the shop just to make sure she didn't wear herself out. Sable was glad of his company -- he was a good friend, a good business partner. His work was often as focused and driven as hers, and in that they had an understanding... which was why Sable allowed him to order her to take a break occasionally and stand still.

And that's what she's doing now -- standing behind the register, focused intently on a Sudoku puzzle, trying not to think too hard about anything else.
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[Oct. 22nd, 2008|04:19 am]
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WHO: Cassidy Turner and Judah Low
WHAT: Chainday boys
WHERE: Judah's shop/home
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: Oh yes, this is not a child friendly thread.


Judah's place is on the opposite corner from Sable's bookstore. It's a skeezy, dirty, tattered part of town, and Judah's ramshackle repairshop fits the scenery with splendid eccentricity. The front window is filled with gadgets. The store sign is simple and lacking in advertising. The door jingles when it opens, and inside is a maze of piles of STUFF. All things electrical and mechanical may make a home here, rusty, dusty, missing doors and drawers and hinges, their innerds on display for all the world, their wires frayed, their plug tines rusted. It's something of an adventure to reach the counter on the other side of the room, but behind it is Judah at the workbench, tinkering idly with some repair job he can fix and break and fix and break again in the space of a minute.
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[Oct. 2nd, 2008|11:01 pm]
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Who: Henn and Judah and maybe Sable
Where: The bookshop/teashop/motel/ferret-junglegym
Why: Henn's bored
When: 'bout the same time the boys are out.

It hadn't taken Henn long to get bored on the island with only Dog for company. And it seemed that Dog was bored too, since they'd stopped playing the barking game, and fetch, and they'd even stopped playing 'how long can we stare at each other?'

Which clearly meant that it was time for an outing, Dog wasn't a pursedog, not really, but Henn had him in a tote bag all the same, along with a few toys and a container of treats for later.

She peered around the door of Sable's shop, knocking once, "Hello? Anybody in?"
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[Sep. 8th, 2008|11:44 pm]
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WHO: Sable Harris, Soren Skwigelf, cameo from Judah Low
WHAT: ...some stuff, regarding Miniver's song, and whatnot.
WHERE: The Sign of the Weasel
WARNINGS: ...iunno, just assume it's NSFW with angst, these pups being who they are.


The store is fairly empty tonight. There's one person sleeping in a nest on the balcony catwalk, but otherwise the store is empty, except for one 19-year-old sitting on the front counter, and a 30-something mage sprawled with her, watching her do Sudoku puzzles. Both sit (or sprawl) in silence, and the ferret-kids are sleeping...
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|09:26 pm]
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WHO: Judah Low, Sable Harris, Soren Skwigelf, Henriette Stillman, Cassidy Turner, and FERRETS
WHERE: London


Sable and Judah are waiting at the Sign of the Weasel when Soren arrives, both of them looking their usual misplaced gypsy selves. At least they look like they belong together in their weird.

Sable hops off the counter when Soren comes in and bounces over to hug him. "Judah's coming because we practically share our shops, he'd be looking after them a lot. There's a place not far from here who has them."
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[Aug. 23rd, 2008|10:29 pm]
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WHO: Sable Harris, Judah Low, and Soren Skwigelf
WHAT: A couple of crazy kids with some crazy ideas
WHERE: Behind Judah's workshop, a few doors down from the Sign of the Weasel
WHEN: Now!
WARNINGS: None yet? teh seXXingz.

Sable was waiting when Soren arrived at her shop. Leaving someone else to watch the place for a while, she led her "cousin" out the back door to the little square courtyard behind the place, then through the tunnel formed by thick bushes that led from her courtyard to Judah's several houses away. It was a bit of a trek to go that far bent double and in near darkness, but Sable seemed to know the way well, and tugged Soren along behind her.

They emerged into a courtyard identical in size to Sable's, but filled with far more STUFF. It was piled with junk, mostly what looked like machine parts, but also an ample supply of chopped wood, a few bags of sand and clay, a workbench, a cabinet for storing tools, and in the far corner, a squat little stone oven to melt metals in.

And behind the workbench, a tall, thin man dressed in leather and silk, chiseling away at a block of wood with a pair of ornate brass goggles over his eyes.

"Judah!" Sable called out when they arrived. The somaturge looked up and smiled.

"Sable! Soren! What brings you two back here tonight?"
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|01:01 am]

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Who: Soren Skwigelf and Judah Low.
What: Soren is flirting.
Where: Judah's shop.
When: Tonight.
Warnings: Yup. Thar be naked boys here.

Failing at flirting. )
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[Aug. 13th, 2008|01:08 pm]
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WHO: Sable Harris and Judah Low
WHAT: Chatting on a rooftop
WHEN: Early morning
WHERE: Above The Sign of the Weasel

Gargoyles )
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