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[Nov. 13th, 2008|12:37 am]

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Who: Navi and Eric Draven.
What: Talking and hanging out.
When: This evening.
Where: Her apartment.
Warnings: Don't think so!

Talking, witty cut tag, yup. )
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[Nov. 2nd, 2008|08:41 pm]

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Who: Navi and Eric Draven.
What: Killing monsters!
When: Sunday afternoon.
Where: NYC.
Warnings: Fluff and gore. YEAH, THAT'S WEIRD, HUH.

Damsels in distress. )
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[Oct. 15th, 2008|10:25 pm]

Who: Eric and Death
When: This evening
What: Pumpkins! Pigeons! Ball-room dancing! Maybe all, maybe none.
Where: New York

Some are murdered, some are let go. )
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[Sep. 1st, 2008|11:01 pm]
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Who: Slevin Kelevra and Eric Draven.
What: Vigilantes having a beer together.
When: Tonight.
Where: Random bar in NYC.
Warnings: Swearing, but otherwise no.

A vigilante is a person who ignores due process of law and enacts their own form of justice in response to a perception of insufficient response by the authorities. )
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[Jul. 10th, 2008|11:41 pm]
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Who: Eric and Navi
What: Ice cream after dark!
When: Tonight
Where: New York

There's nothing to do here, some just whine and complain, in bed at the hospital. )
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