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[Dec. 17th, 2009|11:13 pm]
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Who: 11-12 and Zevran
Where: 11-12's place
What: Drinking and stuff
When: right after this
Warnings: Probable, will update with specifics as necessary

Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune )
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[Dec. 7th, 2009|07:25 pm]
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Who: 11-12 and Soren
What: Shoppin'! For foodstuffs!
Where: Grocery store, NYC
When: Earlier today

You're so sheer you're so chic - teenage rebel of the week )
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[Nov. 30th, 2009|10:52 pm]
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Who: 11-12 and Zevran
Where: Nightclub somewhere in NYC
When: RIGHT NOW! Or in like five minutes.
What: Flirtytiems GALORE

I wanna take you to the GAY BAR )
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[Nov. 29th, 2009|11:28 pm]
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Who: 11-12 and Lilo
Where: 11-12's penthouse in New York City
When: Right about now.
What: Getting the newbie situated
Warnings: Not likely.

Off the edge of the map )
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