Under the Rainbow - Logs community - March 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 12th, 2009

[Mar. 12th, 2009|04:10 pm]
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Who: Graverobber and OPEN
When: Late afternoon, at dusk.
Where: Here and there, he's just scouting about town (East end Londom). He's not very focused.
Why: Looking for Shilo. Kind of.
Warnings: Possibly. Probably. Well, drugs for sure. You can't be that upbeat sober when you're chasing jailbait.

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[Mar. 12th, 2009|08:52 pm]
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Who: Severus Snape, Alecto Carrow
When: Just after lunch
Where: A city park
Why: He's trying to move on at Lily's behest.

Warnings: Some heavy petting.

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[Mar. 12th, 2009|09:08 pm]
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Who: Skwisgaar the Elder and Lulu Skwigelf with guest appearance by Sadako Yamamura
What: Hard life decisions
Where: Skwigelf Cabin, Sweden.
When: Tonight
Warnings: Crying Swedes, Consoling Wives, Creepy Japanese Women.
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[Mar. 12th, 2009|10:49 pm]
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Who: Rose Tyler & Human!Tenth Doctor
When: After his post
Where: Chips place
Warnings: Probably none
Status: In Progress

The Doctor, even though he was human, still favored his suits as ever along with his trainers. He slipped his hands into his pockets and strolled along the path that led him to the chips shop where he was meeting Rose. He was happy about this new job that he had received. He wasn't sure where he and Rose stood, but he had to suppose that working back into a friendship was better than anything.

He had been trying not to think of things either, but they often slipped in. With a sigh, he slid his fingers through his hair before pushing it into his pocket again. He shifted to look around for Rose, wondering if she was here yet.
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