Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 17th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 17th, 2009

[Jan. 17th, 2009|01:12 am]
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Who: Andy and Maggie
What: Just arrived!
Where: Their penthouse in LA (He's George Clooney)
When: The day they arrived
Rating: PG-13

You change your mind like a girl changes clothes )
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[Jan. 17th, 2009|03:10 am]
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Who: Jack Harkness and Mia Jesbar
What: Drinking, at the Star Wars cantina
When/Where: Right the heck now-ish, starting in Central Park
Warnings: PG-13 for intense flirting situations, and much much boozing.

Jack couldn't help but hum along with the makeshift radio in the ship as he set her down, admittedly glad to be doing something social for once. He loved his family of course- and there were certainly plenty of them to keep things interesting- but he was above all else a social man. He needed the company of people he could talk to without the constant reminder of... everything.

Today, that person was Mia, which only served to make Jack's smirk wider. Not only was she beautiful (and unfortunately taken, Jack kept having to remind himself), but she was one of the good platonic friends Jack had in thsi place, which made her even more special in a way. It took a lot to keep Jack's attention without sex, but somehow, she managed.

Hopping down from the wing, he turned the invisibility shield on, and started towards the bridge where he and Mia usually met, looking around to see if she'd actually beaten him to the punch. Also not easy to do to a time traveler, but she was good.
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[Jan. 17th, 2009|10:00 pm]
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Who: Navi and Raven
What: ...Cuteness? Visitations!
When/where: Right this very evening, Navi's home in New York City
Warnings: Yes. Will update if specifics arise.

Raven was far better at finding his way around by air than on foot, so he chose to fly to Navi's apartment when he was alone. He landed on the fire escape outside her bedroom window, tapping on the window with his beak, before changing and lifting it with a hand.

"Navi? Rather dangerous, leaving your window open like that. Never know what kind of unsavory person's going to sneak up on you..." He was shaking the snow out of his hair as he spoke, walking towards the hall in search of the fairy. His fairy.
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[Jan. 17th, 2009|10:01 pm]


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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: A Date!
Where: Roller Rink!
When: Friday Night
Warnings: ...most likely. They're affectionate people.

Ganieda brushed her long, dark hair back into a pony tail. Sam was taking her somewhere where they would go 'roller skating', which sounded a little crazy to Ganieda.

But then, most of the crazy things in this world were quite fun, so she was looking forward to it. She decided to go with jeans instead of her usual skirt, and a cute green sweater. She turned around in the full length mirror in their room, checking herself out.
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