Under the Rainbow - Logs community - December 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 10th, 2008

OTA post [Dec. 10th, 2008|06:59 pm]

Who: Carrie White, OTA
What: people watching
When: Weds. late afternoon
Where: outside of a restaurant in Washington D.C.

Carrie had done as Ms. Frost asked, she'd stayed on campus and completed her examinations, but once they were over, she spent her days using the portkey system to travel in and out of England. Anything for a change of scenery.

Currently, she was sitting at the outside section of a restaurant, picking at the remains of a hamburger, fries and a coke. In her lap was a book on religious cults and the psycology behind them, but she was only half focused on the pages. Right now, people watching seemed more interesting, especially with American politics, it was almost an escapism for her, figuring out other people and why they might be troubled, rather than broad over her own issues.

That didn't mean she was so distracted that she didn't even sense the person looking back at her.
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[Dec. 10th, 2008|09:57 pm]
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Who: Jack Sparrow & Miniver, possible cameo/threadcrash by Bill
Where: Vampirate house!
When: This evening sometime.
Why: Because it needs to be done!
Warnings: Likely so, yes, will update with specifics as necessary

Jack had mostly recovered from his glittering, in fact, with the help of a keyboard crumb-vacuum he'd actually gotten most of it off, just a few tenacious patches of it still clinging in his hair, but he was content enough to leave them there.

Right then he was stretched out in his favorite chair in one of the sitting rooms, basking, really, in front of the fire. He wasn't really asleep, and was probably only dozing due to the day's excitement, wouldn't take much to wake him up again.
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[Dec. 10th, 2008|10:43 pm]


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Who: Sable Harris and Soren Skwigelf.
What: Walking her home from work. Glitter hunting.
When: Wednesday night.
Where: London, then Switzerland.
Warnings: Just guessing yeah.

Hunting shiny things. )
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