Under the Rainbow - Logs community - September 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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September 10th, 2008

[Sep. 10th, 2008|01:53 am]


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Who: Calliope Sedant and Charles Foster Offdensen
What: Drinking.
When: This evening.
Where: New York City.
Warnings: TBA. (I assume PG-13 from the get go, I'll edit if it goes beyond that.

Did someone whisper? )
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[Sep. 10th, 2008|04:09 pm]


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who. Alfred Pennyworth and Carrie Kelley
what. Alfred being AWESOME
when. Late-late tonight.
where. NYC

Runaway train joke goes here )
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[Sep. 10th, 2008|05:14 pm]
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Who: Miniver and Cassidy
What: Jam session, gettin' high.
When: Today!
Where: Tortuga beach house
Warnings: Swearing, drugs. Possible crying. You never know with Miniver.
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[Sep. 10th, 2008|07:16 pm]
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Who: Toki & Stephanie
Where: Stephanie's apartment and elsewhere
Why: because they both need to get out more
Warnings: unbearable amounts of glee and/or cute

Stephanie had actually had to look for wrapping paper in the apartment, she hadn't needed it before and didn't know if she had any.

She found some after a few minutes and set to wrapping up the photographic yoga encyclopedia she'd gotten for Toki. First was a layer of wrapping paper, and then a couple brown paper bags, and then a couple plastic department store bags, and then another layer of wrapping paper and the ribbon. She didn't do anything halfway apparently and the finished package was about half again as big as it had started out and was just a little squishy thanks to the layering.

That done she went to sit on the couch, watching the sidewalk below and waiting as patiently as she could manage for Toki's arrival.
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[Sep. 10th, 2008|10:08 pm]
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Who: Dean, Sam and Mary Winchester
When: Shortly after her arrival
Where: The coffee shop she wandered into
Why: Mary needs to see her boys, and hold them this time
Warnings: Language, for sure.

The last time she'd seen her boys, it was in her house and that thing had dared to hurt her baby, and throw knives at her beloved firstborn. )
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[Sep. 10th, 2008|10:57 pm]


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Who: Extremis! Tony and Pepper Potts
When: Backdated a couple of days
Where: Their home in LA
Why: Tony wants to spend time with Pepper and the baby bump
Rating: Um dunno. It's us.

Sorely needing a break, food and a shower, and not in that particular order, Tony decided to emerge from his workshop for a little while.  He hadn't been up to check on Pepper in a few hours, and she'd said her back was hurting, so he offered to give her a massage.  But before that, he took a quick shower in the stall down in the workshop before changing clothes and heading up to see her.  He'd forgotten to ask if she'd eaten or wanted anything, so he stopped by the kitchen to get her some crackers and a glass of juice just as a snack before dinner.  She'd probably send him to Italy for real Chicken Parmesan for all he knew, so no use in preparing something that might make her gag as well.

Knocking on their bedroom door, he nudged it open and stepped inside, a box of animal crackers in one hand and a glass of juice in the other.  He thought the animal crackers were a cute touch to cheer her up from being on bedrest so early in the pregnancy.
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