Under the Rainbow - Logs community - August 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 19th, 2008

[Aug. 19th, 2008|12:14 am]


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Who: Jason Todd and Cassandra Cain
What: Cass did something very dumb.
When: Sometime before Bruce disappeared.
Warnings: Minimal.

I'd drop to one knee if I were allowed to move out of the bed. )
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|12:54 am]
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Who: Skwisgaar Skwigelf the Elder and Charles Foster Offdensen
Where: Mini-Mordhaus, London
When: Tonightish
Warnings: Dethklok biohazard

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[Aug. 19th, 2008|01:35 am]


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Who. Doug and Carrie
What. Finding Doug! Yay!
When. Late tonight
Where. NYC

He's alive! )
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|03:03 pm]
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Who: Charles Foster Offdensen and Cassidy Turner
What: OONCE OONCE (Dancey time)
Why: Because Offdensen is a tight-ass
When: Night time
Rating: TBD (Edit: Never mind. It's absolutely horrifying in there. ISS RATED X.)

Charles was just wrapping up his work for the evening, locking lockables up in the safe by his desk, and locking everything down. It usually took him about ten minutes. Tonight it took him half an hour, because he was a liiiittle bit drunk. Emphasis on the little.

He wasn't expecting anything but a good night's sleep, which he had been mentally preparing himself for since lunch. What a sad, strange little existence he was leading.
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|07:20 pm]
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Who: Dethklok's on-call Assassin and their Manager
Where: Offdensen's office, where else?
When: Now-ish

Petit wasn't sure if the summons was for Official Business or not, but she'd dressed for it just in case, body-armor bodice and a pair of flexible, tough, pants. She had a worn leather bag slung over her shoulder and her hair was held back with a lockpick kit disguised as a wire comb.

She had debated just popping right into the office from the Backstage, but had decided against it, after all, she'd never met the man before and usually saved that kind of thing for friends and family.

In any case, she was ushered to the office by hooded guards just as soon as she gave her name at the front gate, she arched a brow when they all but evaporated again, shaking her head and knocking twice.
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|09:15 pm]



Who: Aziraphale and Carrie
What: Chance meeting
When: Today
Where: London
Warnings: Not that I know of.

The angel Aziraphale had been missing from the London scene for a couple of weeks, though he doubted many would have noticed, aside from the teeny bopper kids who claimed to be fans of his music career. His manager had stated he was in seclusion, preparing for his upcoming tour.

The truth was, he'd been petitioning for a new face. It wasn't that he disliked the old one. He was rather fond of it. But he'd carried it for such a long time, and he felt a need for change. He'd gotten caught up in the red tape, and his request had taken a bit longer than he would have liked.

Finally sporting a new face, Zira made his way into the streets of London. He ran no risk of being recognised by his legions of fans, as they would have expected to see his other face. He felt good, then, walking through the shopping district, looking for just the right gift for Cassiel before he headed home.
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|10:17 pm]
Who: Jonas and Bell
What: A visit. Possible canoodling. Who knows?
Where: Jonas's place.
When: This evening.

You will get your heart's desire--unfortunately, you're an addict. )
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|10:32 pm]
Who: Monster and Bell
What: Monster's going to Bell's to 'reassure' her. *coughs*
When: Tomorrow evening
Where: Bell's apartment
Warnings: Swears. OH NOES.

Lazy days and ways and men. We have walls without curtains and joy open-ends. )
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This is not the journal you're looking for... [Aug. 19th, 2008|11:52 pm]


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WHO: Soren Skwigelf, Cassidy Turner, Carrick, and Pinion [no, Miniver is not involved, but Carrick and Pinion don't have posting access here. :P]
WHAT: As of yet, I have no idea.
WHERE: A cafe near Sable's shop in London

Let the games begin... )
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