Under the Rainbow - Logs community - April 26th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 26th, 2008

[Apr. 26th, 2008|09:35 am]
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Who: Siana Jones and Owen Harper.
What: A test.
Where: Owen's flat in Cardiff.
When: After this. [Backdated]
Rating: TBD.

Siana was nervous. On the one hand, she still didn't believe she could get pregnant and the idea terrified her. On the other, she had always wanted a family of her own and she thought maybe this place would be better to raise a child than home, even with all the insanity. She was pretty sure that either way the results would be at least a little upsetting in some way. Still, she had to know, because it just wouldn't do not to know. Steeling herself, she knocked on the door of Owen's flat.
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[Apr. 26th, 2008|02:35 pm]
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Who: Tony Stark, Thirteen, and Pepper Potts
Where: Stark mansion
When: Saturday afternoon
Why: Happy awesome reunion?
Rating: R for world's best threesome language that's probably gonna fly

This was and extremely volatile situation that was probably already teetering on the prespice of exploding even before everyone involved had gathered. Rule number one: Never put your pregnant and hormonal spouse in the same room with your secretary who's been smitten with you since day one. Pepper Potts was the epitome of professionalism, though, and she wasn't likely to say anything that'd give Remy a cause to worry or flip out. But hormones and a sting of jealousy over one man floated in the air. Tony Stark was probably about to regret this, but he'd missed Pepper just as much as he missed Rhodey. He was looking forward to seeing Pepper, to show her that this place had been the best thing to ever happen to him.
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