Under the Rainbow - Logs community - March 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 7th, 2008

Welcme back to town, woah I should lie down, everything's brown and uh oh. . [Mar. 7th, 2008|12:24 pm]
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Who: Angel and Collins
Where: E. 6th street, New York City.
When: Early morning hours.
Warnings: Entirely possible, if Angel gets him drunk/stoned enough, not that he isn't high off his as XD

Dropping into the world stoned wasn't the best way to arrive but not entirely the worst either. At least he wasn't minding the biting cold too badly. He was aware of it, certainly, but he couldn't have cared less. He sat up against a building, laughing at every object or person that went by, consciously avoiding taking out another roach to smoke since his Mami had told him not to. It wasn't long before Collins could smell her on the air, hear the delicate clicks of her heels and remember what it had been like all that time ago.

Fuck, she was really alive. Standing, he was suddenly very sober and very aware, and he rubbed at his eyes under his shades to glance in the direction those reminders were coming from. "Mama, 's that you?"
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[Mar. 7th, 2008|01:47 pm]
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Who: Aramis and Belle
What: Getting drunk!
Where: Aramis' place
When: Friday
Warnings: Who knows

After Belle had agreed to come over, Aramis had rummaged around to find proper alcohol. Finding a bottle of scotch, he set it and a couple shot glasses on the coffee table in the living room. With that done, he went to wait outside for Belle to arrive, keeping a look out for a tall, strapping young man instead of a slight, pretty woman like he was used to.
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[Mar. 7th, 2008|06:33 pm]
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Who: Beira and the Rani
Where: London, Hyde Park
What: Body experiments due to the body swap
Rating: Diiiiirty. R-NC17?
When: Thursday night (last night)

Beira smiled as she made her way up to the statue. The park was a beautiful park, pretty, well kept, even in the colder months. Still, it made her disgusted. It was not a forest by any means. It was just the mortal's poor way to keep a bit of green in an otherwise grey city. It was nothing like the forest England that she remembered. Now that was a time. Knights and the fey roaming around as if they ruled the earth. It was pleasurable and arousning. Now she could barely walk through the city without losing herself. It made her choke, all the smog and people.

Approaching a statue, she walked around it, like a caged animal that stalked its prey. She licked her lips, eying it up and down. "Mmm," she murmured. Oh she could sense the possibilities in the air.

Making a fist, she knocked.
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[Mar. 7th, 2008|08:07 pm]


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Who: Rahne and Anakin
What: Nonobits Switcheroo
Warnings: Probably not.

Wherein Rahne Sinclair Smooches Anakin Solo )
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[Mar. 7th, 2008|08:13 pm]
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Who: Aramis and Female!Athos
What: Making up
When: Friday evening
Where: Their place
Warnings: Probably sex.

Oh, kiss me... )
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[Mar. 7th, 2008|11:29 pm]


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[Current Mood |worried]

Who Cassie and James
What Um...who knows?
When Shortly after she became a he
Where Their appartment in New York
Rating R probably

Cassie was entirely sure how she felt about this, in some ways it was horrible. Mostly because she still wasn't totally sure how James was going to react once they were together. She trusted him but well this was different, it wasn't exactly a normal situation was it? Still it was sort of nice, she could appreciate herself more like this, because it wasn't her. The new body was nicely slim and she knew she was attractive. It was odd though looking in the mirror to see a boy, she felt oddly detatched really, though it was a nice feeling

She or was it he now? Was wearing her boyfriend's clothes. Apparently they were more or less the same size, she sat on the sofa trying not to think too much about what was going to happen once James arrived, she had no idea how he felt about men when it came to sex and she found herself wishing he'd been turned into a girl as well. It might have been weird then, but at least it would have been easier.
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