Under the Rainbow - Logs community - March 8th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 8th, 2008

[Mar. 8th, 2008|06:19 pm]


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Who: Belle and Gilbert
What: just hanging out
Where: Their place
When: tonight
Rating: who knows?

The dishes had been done, and the last of the laundry cleaned. Belle had spent the whole day cleaning, trying to work out her frustrations over everything that had been happening. Which resulted in her feeling both very tired, and as close to relaxed as she had been in a long time. She put the last of the clothes away, flopping on the bed with a grateful sigh.
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[Mar. 8th, 2008|09:42 pm]
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Who: Jack Twist, female!Ennis Del Mar
What: Ennis is female. Jack tries to comfort without laughing.
When: Backdated to the night Ennis turned girly
Warnings: Lady-swearing, likely sex, later on

Jack was slightly worried, about Ennis' new... transformation. Not about his being a woman- Jack had no problem with the beautiful person he'd become. But Ennis seemed mortified, and that was never good for Jack's well-being. Still, the man-now-woman had relented to let him go see... her, and Jack was going to do his best to make this easier on... her.

Making his way into the ranchhouse and up the stairs, he knocked on the door. "Ennis? You alright?"
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[Mar. 8th, 2008|10:26 pm]
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Who: Alice Ayres and Kon-El
When: Backdated to after this thread
What: Going out to dinner!
Where: A pub in London.
Warnings: Maybe NC-17 for first-date shagging.

First dates. )
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