August 14th, 2010

[info]insanelyhyper in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Ainsley Scamander and Cassiopeia Black (maybe eventually Lorcan?)
What: Tea and chatting and lowering inhibitions. Amazing multitaskers, they are
Where: Cassiopeia's bungalow
When: BACKDATED (with mod permission) to Friday, 13 August
Rating/Status: TBD/Incomplete

[info]boy__king in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Adrian and Regulus
What: A case of mistaken penis identity
Where: Street
When: Saturday afternoon
Status/Rating: Complete, probably low.

He was pretty sure this couldn't be more awkward. )

[info]missdumbledore in [info]unloading_zone

WHO: Ariana and Tom
WHEN: Backdated to Friday during the storm
WHERE: The pub
WHAT: Meeting!
STATUS: Incomplete

She had spun around in the rain, twirling until she felt as though she was going to lose her dinner )

[info]indivisible in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald
When: Friday late afternoon
Where: Gellert’s shop
What: A fitting Not a fitting
Rating: High (warning for large age gap - 7 years)
Status: Incomplete

We are all men here, are we not? )

[info]fullofsnark in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Hugo and Scorpius
When: Backdated to Friday afternoon
Where: Bungalow #1
What: Baking pies and being distracted.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, tbd

Scorpius hadn't baked anything in a long time. )

[info]skewed in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Rose, Scorpius, and Lorcan
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Bungalow #11
What: Testing the pies for poison.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, low

as her best friend, he was obligated to be supportive. )

[info]boy__king in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Regulus and Severus
What: Regulus tries to talk about what happened during the last meeting.
Where: Pub bathroom
When: Backdated to Friday afternoon
Status/Rating: Incomplete, probably high.

He just didn't know what came over him. )

[info]aweepotter in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Lily Luna, Harry and Lily (and open to whoever else wants to join!)
Where: Bungalow #10
When: Backdated to Friday afternoon
What: Lily's birthday picnic
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

You are seventeen going on eighteen. )