Cores and Spheres: If you know what's good for you, you will NOT go to the Aperture base. While attempting to weed out the bad code in my mainframe, it took my tinkering as a threat and started shocking me while I tried working on it. In the process, a colleague of mine was injured. Usually I wouldn't feel too bad about it, but he wasn't even an employee, and civilians aren't covered under our insurance policies.
But the point is this: Aperture Science is under no management. If you think I was bad, just remember one thing: I was the rational, thinking end of that data stream. The mainframe on its own might not be self-aware, but it is a complete basketcase. It will attempt to destroy you on sight.
You've been warned.
As for me, I am safe. The RIAD and myself are both safely being sheltered by my colleague's alternate self. It is a temporary situation, until I find a way to remotely and safely take control of the mainframe.