Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - October 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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October 7th, 2009

[Oct. 7th, 2009|08:30 am]
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|08:31 am]
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I LOVE THE TOUR SCHEDULE. You guys should check this out.

And I can't say anything about the stages but holy hell they're so metal it's not even possible to describe how metal they are in words.
I'm motivated. Let's start this.
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|08:43 am]

Eskarina? Are you busy this Friday night?
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|09:20 am]
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Toshiko )
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|09:54 am]
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Annie )
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|12:01 pm]

Hey Fred?
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|12:45 pm]

How did I get voted the fearless leader-?

Whatever. Anyway. I'm Jax. Apparently new in town, although when that happened, I have no idea. I apologize for anything I might have done or said while John was figuring things out. He means well. Mostly.

Someone want to tell me why we're not in our proverbial Kansas, anymore?

If this has to do with that Jets vs. Sharks bullshit you CORE folks were trying to pull us into, I'm not going to stop whatever he decides to do.
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|01:01 pm]
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Brother )

Sister )

oLLiE oLlie oxeN free?
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|01:10 pm]
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I am having a genius idea! I will need about 20 people to come to [address] to partake in a getting together of amateur dancers. But not TOO amateur, this will be put to film.

You are to be dressed in a most fashionable way. I do not require people who slouch on their dressing-ups.
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|02:25 pm]



I hear there's a need for piratical garb. I just so happen to be an expert on said, and happen to have plenty of left over from god-knows-when. Sneaky keeps sending over crates of our things, and it seems that a few of them just so happen to have things that Jack and I stashed away back when ruffles were in fashion. ... From about the TIME we stashed it away. It's practically new.

Anyway, if you were planning on being a pirate this coming Hallowe'en, don't bother wasting your money. Just let me know where to send it, and what your general measurements are.
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|04:37 pm]
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I know I posted about this a while back, but it was still theoretical then, it's actually coming to fruition now. Got myself a little storefront animal hospital in London, round about [address] at the end of the market street. I call it an animal hospital and not a vet's office because I don't have any sort of real credentials, but back home I'm what's called a Stitch, I heal things, detail work is my specialty, things like internal injuries, toxins, that sort of thing, but I can heal just about anything.

I'm good with mammals, reptiles, birds, even fish I bet, haven't healed a fish before, but I probably could.
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|10:16 pm]
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[ooc: Enter Harry Dresden, from SciFi's short lived show The Dresden Files. I would have made an OOC post, but I'm lazy. So, tada! -Colleen]

You know, I'm pretty sure this isn't mine. And I'm also pretty sure that I got into an elevator at the Chicago PD.

Someone want to explain to me how I ended up in... Oh, hell, no.

Whoever you are, you are going to pay for this.
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