November 22nd, 2010

[info]stayingali in [info]underquarantine

Who: Alicia Spinnet & Cormac McLaggen
Where: Starting at the mens room on the second floor!
When: Evening on Monday
Rating: PG-13 because it's Als and Mac. Sometimes they have mouths on them.
Status: Incomplete

Attack! )

[info]lunarly in [info]underquarantine

Who: Luna Lovegood & Grant Page
What: Feeling lonely on her birthday.
When: November 22, late afternoon
Where: Charms classroom
Rating: G?
Status: Incomplete

It had been a very bad day. )

[info]lavenderobrown in [info]underquarantine

WHO: Lavender Brown and Seamus Finnigan
WHAT: Talking among friends, getting to know one's fiance, all that fun stuff
WHERE: Lavender's rooms, since she hasn't left them in days.
WHEN: Late Monday night
RATING: Low(ish?)
STATUS: Incomplete

Insert something witty here )