Dec. 15th, 2010


WHO: Theodore & Daphne
WHAT: Snowed in
WHERE: Aphrodite's Lair
WHEN: The night of the big snow.
RATING: Low? We'll see.
STATUS: Incomplete

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. )

Dec. 3rd, 2010


WHO: Open to everyone!
WHERE: The Great Hall
WHEN: Backdated to Thursday evening, December 2
WHY: Daphne and Theo are getting married!
RATING: Language caution possibly?
STATUS: Open and incomplete!

Now you're here and everything's changing. Suddenly life means so much )

Nov. 27th, 2010


WHO: Daphne Greengrass & Theo Nott
WHERE: All over Hogsmeade
WHEN: Backdated to Friday
WHY: House shopping!Shop shopping
RATING: pg-13
STATUS: In progress! And closed to all but ^^

Shopping for the weekend )

Nov. 18th, 2010


WHO: Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass
WHAT: Dinner and talking
WHERE: Astronomy Tower
WHEN: Thursday evening after the festivities, 7 PM and on
STATUS: Incomplete

To ensure privacy, the Defigo spell was used to lock the door behind them. )

Nov. 12th, 2010


WHO: Daphne Greengrass and Theodore Nott
WHERE: The Library
WHEN: Friday evening
WHY: Because they haven't spent much time together as of late
RATING: cautioning for language
STATUS: In progress and open to Nott and Greengrass ^^

Like they have any right at all to criticize. Hypocrites, they're all here for the very same reason. )


WHO: Theodore Nott and Alicia Spinnet
WHAT: Their 'getting to know someone' non-date
WHERE: Hogwarts courtyard and Hogsmeade
WHEN: Thursday (Backdated because I thought it was this weekend LOL)
STATUS: Incomplete

Insert something witty here )

Nov. 5th, 2010


WHO: Daphne Greengrass and open
WHERE: The Black Lake
WHEN: Friday morning, November 6
WHY: Because Daphne needs some air
RATING: Undetermined but I'm cautioning for language
STATUS: Incomplete

The tears don't fall, they crash around me )