February 8th, 2011

[info]always_lee in [info]underquarantine

Who: Demelza Goyle and Lee Jordan
What: 'Staff meeting'/the WWN workers talk.
When: Tuesday morning - before any going on air
Where: WWN Building
Rating / Status: Probably low/In progress

It's good to be doing something )

[info]belbyish in [info]underquarantine

Who: Marcus Belby and Hannah Belby nee Abbott
What: Marcus is coming home
Where: Marcus and Hannah's home
When: Tuesday afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

--- )

[info]bourbonnobility in [info]underquarantine

Who: Mòrag Malfoy and Rabastan LeStrange
What: Slaughter House Time
Why: Cutting up a cow
Where: the shed behind her shop
Rating: R for guts?
Status: In Complete, OPEN

Sometimes a girl just has to get dirty )