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Feb. 12th, 2015


WHO: Travis to Deb
WHERE: The RV, her side of the bed
WHEN: [forward-dated] February 14, 2015; afternoon
WHAT: Valentine's things.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ )
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Jan. 14th, 2015


WHO: Cassidy and Travis (npc Celia)
WHERE: Into the Jungle, to the super sekrit labs!
WHEN: Jan 14; noon-ish.
WHAT: Something just doesn't seem right when the medics spot the redhead sneaking into the jungle, so they follow her. Because that's what you do!

☤ ☤ ☤ ☤ )

Jan. 1st, 2015


WHO: Deb and Travis
WHEN: Jan 1, 2015; mid-morning.
WHAT: The new year brings up questions about their future.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ )
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Jul. 12th, 2014


WHO: Deb & Travis
WHERE: Hotel - Banquet Hall turned Infirmary
WHEN: July 12, 2014; 3AM-ish
WHAT: Concern and reminiscing, but mostly grumping.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ )
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Jun. 16th, 2014


WHO: Brandon and Travis
WHAT: When the sister and the ladybro go missing, it's a srs issue.
WHERE: The jungle.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon

╪ ╪ ╪ ╪ ╪ )

Jun. 13th, 2014


WHO: Deb and Travis
WHERE: The Lighthouse
WHEN: June 13th, late evening.
WHAT: A date, because need some happy.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ )
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May. 23rd, 2014


WHO: Travis and Wyatt
WHEN: May 23, 2014; afternoon, probs
WHERE: Lifeguard tower, the beach
WHAT: killing zombies, getting injured, you know the usual.

◆●◆●◆ )
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Apr. 30th, 2014


WHO: Deb Geller, Travis Hawke
WHERE: The Resort
WHEN: May 1st, late morning.
WHAT: Heroic boyfriends are stupid boyfriends.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ )
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