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Twisting: Out of Character

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[Oct. 12th, 2011|07:13 pm]

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Hey guys. Something pretty serious happened IRL so I'm going to vanish a bit for the next few days. I apologize to those I owe tags to, etc, and I'll let you all know when I'm back for good. Hopefully it shouldn't be very long.

Linds ♥
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[Oct. 8th, 2011|07:54 pm]

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Yo, my name is Linds, and I have a freaking problem.

So this is Diana Sloper, 6th year Hufflepuff and Prefect. She is not really a stereotypical Hufflepuff. She is a perfectionist, an overachiever, condescending as all hell, and is pretty adamant that she will be Minister of Magic one day. Diana can't stand to lose, is out to get top grades in all of her classes (god help you if you do better than her), is involved in every organization ever and typically acts like she's in charge of the world. Right now she's got her sights set on the Head Girl position next year (which is why she's no longer doing Quidditch) and is pretty much married to her Prefect duties and takes them very seriously.

That all being said, Diana is fair. She's a brat when she doesn't win or get her way, but once she's in power, she's all about fair play and justice. She is highly organized and logical. She's a good person to go to if you need help with your schoolwork or anything, but jfc, she won't leave you alone aftewards. 'HOW'D YOU DO?' 'ANYTHING ELSE I CAN HELP YOU WITH?' Etc. She's got a scary temper hidden behind a mask of cheerfulness. It's good times.

Give me all your damn lines, people.
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[Oct. 1st, 2011|02:47 pm]

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Hey everyone! Linds here with not one, but two new characters. Ahhhh yeah~

First off, Scarlett Kent, 7th year Ravenclaw and Prefect. Most people were shocked when Scarlett was named a Prefect because she seemed like such a slacker. Very chill and droll. Fact of the matter is she's a very hard worker, she's extremely clever, and she's highly observant. She is an avid people watcher and knows a lot of the secrets around these parts that's why her hair is so big. However, she finds gossip petty and thinks it's beneath her. She's very skeptical and wants to avoid disappointment (she is happy so many people seemed to have low expectations about her, because she's actually pretty terrified of being a failure). As a Prefect, Scarlett is fair but won't take crap. She is generally quiet, but she's not at all shy and has a quicksilver tongue when she needs to use it. As a friend, she's a great listener and good with the advice thing.

In terms of storylines, I need everything! Friends (maybe a very small, close primary circle of good friends?), perhaps some students she's really pissed off by pulling rank on, crushes old or current, and maybe a rival or something of that sort. Because that's ALWAYS fun.

Next there's Asher Vaisey ([info]ashering), 6th year Slytherin. He is your cigarette/booze/"harmless" drug connection here at Hogwarts. If you want something for a party, he can get it for you. Asher is paranoid, doesn't trust authority, finds anarchy hilarious, and stirs the pot for people he really, really doesn't like. Sometimes even with people he does like. It's hard to tell when he really likes people, because he'll be kind of jerky no matter what. Sometimes it's genuine dislike, other times it's his way of showing that he considers you an equal. He can't stand superficial people and thinks that fake people are gross. If you are that type of person, he will give you hell or be obviously grossed out by you on a regular basis. He doesn't really respect people in authority positions unless they earn it. In fact: he will probably make life hard for you if you're in charge, what with the whole drug connection/snarky attitude thing.

As for storylines, give me everything again! Friends, people who loathe him (I'm sure there are many), customers (so to speak), ex flings or friends with benefits, etc.

As usual, you know where to find me on AIM. Let the storyline-ing commence.
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[Sep. 23rd, 2011|11:27 pm]

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Hello everyone! I figured it's high time to do this introduction thing... even though it appears I may be the first.

My name is Linds and I'm here to introduce you to Piper Cox, 7th year Gryffindor, Quidditch Chaser and dueling club member. To read about her in detail, head over here. But I'll give you a cliffnotes version:

Piper is kind of a shrew. She is opinionated, brash, volatile, aggressive and above all else, one grudging young lady. She always speaks her mind (to a fault) and doesn't take a lot of crap. Before her sixth year, she used to be pretty friendly and social, but during her fifth year, a very public fight with her at-the-time boyfriend led to her getting a pretty bad (read: slutty) reputation. When she returned for sixth year, she was meaner and a hell of a lot scarier.

She doesn't care a lot about what other people think and is quick to defend others against bullies. If you have a snarky or mean character, odds are she's gotten into a fight with them a few times. Piper is passionate about her causes and doesn't compromise. She has a quicksilver tongue and has no reservations about getting even with people--especially those that have spread/do spread rumours about her or other people.

That was much longer than I intended, but alas! I am super excited to play here and can't wait to start forming lines with you all! I would love some former friends (from back when she was at least semi-docile), the great dreaded ex that she had the super public break up with, some friends she made during sixth year, I'm open to her having a whole cornucopia of enemies, and anything else we can cook up!

Can't wait to get started!

Also, a note to the mods: I still need to be added by the mod journal so I can run the flist button. Thank you!
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[Sep. 23rd, 2011|03:52 pm]

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