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Twisting: Out of Character

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[Sep. 24th, 2011|10:02 am]

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Hey-o! I'm Hoshi, and I think nearly all of you know me. If you need to plot with me my aim is ididmoody. So onto the characters!

[info]runcornrun Angel Runcorn! She is a 7th year Ravenclaw, pretty laid back, and actually kind of shy. She is just polite so a lot of people never realize she is that shy kid. Her biggest passion is baking, but she actually doesn't like eating sweet things. That means anything she bakes she gives away, which her friends seem to enjoy.

She keeps her problems to herself, not wanting to burden other people with her issues. Not that she has a ton, but she is a teenage girl. Life is drama when you are a teenager.

Angel is part of Cooking with Elves, Photography, Charms, and Astronomy.

[info]ritalinrat Adaline Thruston. 6th year Ravenclaw! This girl is too smart for her own good, seriously. She gets the strangest phobias for awhile all over something she read in a book. Like shoe boxes? There are going to be large freaking spiders in there, she just knows it. Besides her little phobia of the week thing, she is an outgoing girl who loves music, reading, and experiments. Her latest experiment is an animated teddy bear she has named Cupcake. Part of the reasons for the experiments is that Ada has a lot of energy, the 'I-can't-sit-still' kind. She is on muggle Ritalin, but hasn't really noticed a calming effect.

Ada is an only child, raised by a bigger child. Dinner at the Thruston house is fruity pebbles and chocolate milk to drink. Extremely healthy. Though when your da is famous what is the point of acting like a normal family, yeah? Ada is in the Photography club, and Hogwarts Band (xylophone).

[info]weightingold Nicholas Wagtail. 6th year Hufflepuff. He is Chaz's little brother and Pammy's older one. Nicky is immature, best described as a brat. He is selfish, likes getting his way, and is over dramatic. He tends to blow everything out of proportion without really trying.

He can be best described as the baby of the family, even though he has two younger sisters. Half the time his sisters are babying him or treating him like a child because he acts like one. Oh! He is also allergic to cooties, just saying.

The only club he takes part in is Drama club.


Alexei Urquhart, born and raised in Russia until his parents decided he had to go to Hogwarts. They moved to England when he was six, so to this day he still has a nifty Russian accent and a habit of speaking Russian when he doesn't want people to know what he is saying.

He is a 7th year Slytherin, Beater on the Quidditch team and is in the Dueling Club.

On a whole Alexei is not a very social person. He is a tad cold, often described as unfeeling, and has no problem hurting other peoples' feelings. (Though he has no problem hurting other people in a fight.) That being said! He is actually an emotional person, he just doesn't understand most of his emotions and lets them turn to anger.

Niko and Anya are the only two people who really see a softer side of him.

SO plot, friends, enemies, etc?
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[Sep. 23rd, 2011|03:52 pm]

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