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Twisting: Out of Character

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[Oct. 11th, 2011|08:33 pm]
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HELLO HELLO! IT IS DANA AGAIN. And capslock should end. So this is actually going to be my last character, I am not going to be enabled again. That is unless things change at other games. Anyway, I felt the need to have an older student, so the whole enabling thing was not really necessary.

Okay so! This is Mila Krum, daughter of Cho Chang and Viktor Krum. She has a little brother in 3rd Year named Jarod. (If someone wants a third year). Viktor and Cho got a divorce when Mila was 9. Both parents were professional seekers until Cho stepped into the homemaking scene. Not Viktor is the manager of the Falcons and coachs the Bulgarian National team. Cho is a quidditch official. So needless to say, Mila has a famous family and wants to follow in the family footsteps. She is the Slytherin Seeker and Captain this year. She is the quieter type, she thinks before she speaks and doesn't share her opinions with just anyone. She is focused and determined, but most of her focus goes to quidditch or her guitar. She has limited academic aspirations (this drives her mother mad). She does anything to get what she wants, and rarely takes no for an answer. She has trust issues when in a relationship. She takes failure in stride and learns from it.

Umm she has destroyed a friendship in the past over a boy, she kind of stole him from a friend. (If you want to be that ex-friend let me know, or any ex-friend for that matter as she does kind of step on people to get what she wants). She has a major crush on Professor Quigley. Umm dunno what else to say about her.

Here is her full bio.

She needs friends, ex-friends, exes, enemies, anything you want really.

ooo random addition. She speaks Bulgarian and Chinese (family ties and all that)
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[Oct. 8th, 2011|05:32 pm]
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HELLO HELLO! It is Dana again! This is probably my last character but who knows.

So this is Page Cox, Piper's little sister, from Hufflepuff and she is a 4th year. Love her or else! Well she will probably cry if you don't. Page is a very sweet girl, she believes there is good in everyone. She is either happy or sad, there is no in-between really. Page is not the best at most magic, but good with natural magics and healing. She wants to help people and is for ever the optimist. If you insult her or say something mean in her direction she crumbles. She is loyal but a pretty good target for bullies. She continuously gives second chances (so really they are third and fourth chances) and she is easily influenced and taken advantage of. She has dreams of being a ballerina!

Here is her bio if you want to read.

And to be an enabler (hopefully) I encourage people to pick up someone to be her friend possie, with Miley Cryus and Mitchel Musso because Hannah Montana pictures! Lol. But seriously please pick up some more 4th years (Page says preferably hufflepuff).

I am open to all sort of plot!
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[Oct. 3rd, 2011|09:03 pm]
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Hello, I am the newbie Dana. I am a fourth year accounting student, so I am doing school and that is it. So you will probably see me on quite often as I am studying.

Okay so I think you are more interested in Ramona Goldstein here. She is a 3rd Year Ravenclaw student, the offspring of Susan Bones and Anthony Goldstein. She is a little tactless and I apologize. She has this tendency to be blunt and just say what she is thinking. She does not have the intention to be mean, so she doesn't say hurtful things but she will call you out on doing something stupid. She has a very good memory so she doesn't understand why people dont get things or remember them. She would make a terrible tutor because she has zero patience for other people's learning speeds. She is very analytical and enjoys observing the regular world so she people watches. She is also very loyal to her friends and cherishes them because she does not have too many. She does not understand sarcasm but is slowly learning it. She is kind of socially awkward.

Here is her full bio there are a few area that are WIP like her expanded family section, and I also need to do something with the little lyric areas.

Anyway, I look forward to plotting with you all.

Oh and Ramona is a reserve player for the house team, she is in Hogwarts Choir (soprano), Hogwarts Band (flute), Broom Racing, and book club
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[Sep. 23rd, 2011|03:52 pm]

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