TREAT YO SELF. - October 13th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
A Comm on Feeling Hella Boss.

You're so   filthy,
and I'm   gorgeous.

13th Oct. 2012

everlane. [13th Oct. 2012 • 16:46]


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this is a post about everlane, a company i am currently obsessed with.

i think they're moderately well known at this point, but for those who haven't heard of them, they make luxury basics from quality fabrics...but because they're online only and have what seems to be a pretty effective supply chain, they sell them at normal people prices! if any of you have ever lusted for a simple, perfectly slouchy designer t-shirt but simultaneously died a little inside at the idea of paying $80 for one (note: i am not exaggerating), THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU. (but everlane def has form-fitting and equally lovely styles if that's not your thing!!)

their t-shirts currently come in three different cuts and a variety of colors, and run from $15-$25. they also sell tank tops, a cute leather belt in multiple colors, backpacks, tote bags, and a weekender bag (and they have a men's section selling similar items). shipping is free if you buy two or more items! also, in the coming weeks they're going to be unveiling their fall collection: men's and women's sweatshirts, scarves, silk blouses, cashmere sweaters, and men's oxford cloth button downs.

the site is ~member's only~, so you should all join and lust over their beautiful basics with me.

and if anyone wants to see what a normal person looks like in one of the everlane shirts, here are some (terrible) pics of me )
link18 • CMNT

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