November 2008

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August 20th, 2008

[info]wiltedwalflower in [info]toujours_ooc feels like I was just doing this not that long ago with Mina, but the bug bit and I could not resist. Meet Lucy Pendelton, the eldest of the five Pendelton sisters and the familys ugly duckling. The Pendeltons aren't a wealthy family by any means, but they are members of the aristocracy, and they make sure they attend all functions and gatherings they can. Lord and Lady Pendelton are determined to marry their beautiful daughters off to rich, titled men. Well, all of their daughters except Lucy. Poor Lucy, at 24, has all but given up on finding a husband. Her parents ignore her, as she is of no use in bringing them wealth anymore. Most people are like that with Lucy, really. She's taken for granted as always being there. She's dear Lucy, sweet Lucy, always there but never really seen for anything more than a passing glance.

Well, plain, boring Lucy has a secret. As she has access to the aristocracy gatherings, she also has access to her secrets. And since she's good ol' dependable Lucy, no one takes much notice of her. So, Lucy used her brain, and found a way to strike back at the society that keeps her at its fringes.

Lucy happens to be the infamous Lady Littlebird, the author of the scandalous gossip column that is published every sunday in the paper. Lady Littlebird knows quite a bit, and has no qualms revealing her knowledge. What first started as just a little catharsis for Lucy took off and became a sensation. She now is sitting on quite a nice little pile of cash, but she can't use it. How would she explain that?

None of her gossip is done with malicious intent, mind you. Lucy doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She knows she's got a good thing going with this gig and isn't going to give it up. She also knows its rather dangerous, for if her secret is ever found out, she'll be in big trouble.

What I was thinking of doing is every week, having a post up in Lucy's journal for you guys to leave "gossip" for her to publish, and then at the end of the week, posting Lady Littlebird's column for all to see. That way, it can be used as a plot device for your characters and such! What do you think? Seem like an ok thing to try and run? If you guys don't like it, I won't run with it.

Also, I do want Lucy to have her own little plots as well, so if anyone is interested, feel free to let me know! You can always reach me on AIM at lawntkaypo!

So let me know what you all think! Looking forward to hearing from you!