November 2008

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June 18th, 2008

[info]robinsings in [info]toujours_ooc

Hi again, its Jade with her weekly character lol. Okay so the limit was upped to 8 and this is the reason;

Here is Robin, HERE is his profile - the general jist of it is; he's 16, born to a Lord, figured out he was not into girls (helped along by both his second cousin and a letchy family member) yet his father wanted to marry him off at a young age. He ran away from his family, was lucky to find Harry in London has been a working boy ever since. I think he has a sort of - strained relationship with Nell as he's the second highest earner of Harry's little troupe, but as he's really an educated posh boy he's rather well mannered and wouldn't hurt a fly.

Plots, friends, enemies. I would love to discuss :)

[info]social_climber in [info]toujours_ooc

Colour Bars

Some colour bars based on characters/families/groupings, etc. If you want to use them, copy the codes below and paste wherever you'd like! Want a bar that hasn't been done? Please request what characters you'd like, or what particuluar icons.

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[info]hrabinazamoyski in [info]toujours_ooc

Hey guys!

I just thought I'd post a little note and introduce myself. I'm Angie and I used to be the moderator for Brambleton, Regency RPG. Brambleton, Regency RPG. I haven't been a part of a game in a few years so I'm excited to get back to it and excited to be a part of this awesome game you guys have set up here.

If anyone wants to chat or toss around plots, storylines, possible chars, etc. I'm totally open for that. My aim is: Chironslade , so feel free to get in touch with me there.

Thanks for accepting me and I'm excited to play!


[info]tigersatthegate in [info]toujours_ooc

Unofficial Music List

Oh yes, it's that time. What songs do you listen to and think "Oh yes! That’s character/pairing/thread’s song"? Post them here and we'll make an unofficial playlist for the community.

[info]laduchesse in [info]toujours_ooc

Character requests, don't hurt me.

Word up, y'all. Okay, forgive me for doing this, but I do like to see if there's anyone here willing to take these characters on before advertising elsewhere. Saves the player having to get acquainted with everything, etc. I'll cut them all, give you the basic details, so if anything catches your eye, you can take a further look.

Mark Hardwick, 35, English, wealthy jeweller and diamond expert. )

Tatiana (21), Maria (19), and Anastasia (16) Nikolayeva Fedorova, Russian, upper class Russian socialites. )

Nameless Frenchman, mid-twenties, Revolutionary. )

[info]youngslater in [info]toujours_ooc

Hola, my fellow roleplayers! Tis I, Amanda, again! I come bearing a new character! This is Slater's son and right hand man, Jimmy Slater. He's very popular, especially with lonely housewives and widows, and is a fit guy - due to his obsession with boxing.

He's very ambitious and will one day take over the Slater empire, but until then he is enjoying his life, fighting at night and shagging women during the day.

Now he needs some serious plottage! Especially with Slater, Harry, Ann, and all of Harry's boys. Anyone else is welcome too!!