
Characters: Gilbert Wimple, Sarah Fawcett
Locale: Madame Malkin's, Diagon Alley
Date: 30 November 2003
Warnings? Probably none.

Science, Physics, and Elecktricity! )


Characters: Richard the Barman and anyone who comes to visit
Locale: The Oyster Catcher, Polzeath
Date: October 31, 2003
Open? To everyone!
Warnings? None

The winner of the fancy dress and the raffle would be announced at the stroke of midnight... )


Characters: Tracey Davis, Great Great Uncle Atwell & OPEN LIKE A BARN DOOR
Locale: Bannerstone
Date: 29 October, 2009
Warnings? Spoooooooky.

While I realize discretion is not exactly your forte, my dear, do try. )