
Characters: Theodore Nott, Porrima Nott, and Padma Patil
Locale: Robinswood, and then Bramblebrook Estate
Date: 13 November 2003
Warnings? Likely none.

Padma pressed a frayed book marker between the pages the novel she was reading, a sigh for giving up a favorite activity for an unpleasant one... )


Characters: Padma Patil, Terence Higgs
Locale: the Higgs family home; specifically the garden, Tinworth
Date: After work, November 6, 2003
Warnings? Terence attempts to discuss philosophy--the world may come to an end.

...garden chores were an excellent way to keep her only son occupied and out of mischief. )


Characters: Tracey Davis, Great Great Uncle Atwell & OPEN LIKE A BARN DOOR
Locale: Bannerstone
Date: 29 October, 2009
Warnings? Spoooooooky.

While I realize discretion is not exactly your forte, my dear, do try. )


Characters: Sarah Fawcett, Morgan Corner, Padma Patil
Locale: Quin Cottage
Date: October 27, 2003
Open? Only to these three!
Warnings? Literature lovin' and baked goods aplenty!


Characters: Theodore Nott & Padma Patil
Locale: Robinswood
Date: 23 October 2003
Warnings? Tame indeed.

Her first mission once alone within Robinswood had been to locate a foot stool... )