Time of Storms
..:: .: .:.::.
About Time of Storms
Albus Dumbledore is dead. The Order is thrown into chaos by betrayal and grief. The Death Eaters and the Werewolves have formed an unholy alliance which threatens Wizard and Muggle alike. The world has changed, and no one knows who will live, or who will die... or even who to trust.

This is the Time of Storms, a Harry Potter serial fanfiction collaboration. It is compliant with the events presented in "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince", and both reflects and expands upon them. It is primarily an exploration of the events in relation to two characters: Remus Lupin, who is an Order of the Phoenix member sent to spy among the werewolves, and Severus Snape, who is the biggest traitor the Wizarding World has ever seen... or is he?

While not dark in nature, this work will touch upon the darkness of the characters and a world which is in the grip of a war of survival. It will explore issues of trust and betrayal, love and hate, pain, loss, and, most of all, the triumph of the human spirit in the face of insurmountable odds.

Clouds are on the horizon... it is the Time of Storms.

Disclaimer: This community may contain adult language and material not suitable for readers under the age of 18. Remus Lupin, Severus Snape and all related Harry Potter characters and concepts are copyrighted by JK Rowling and Warner Bros. This journal is for non-profit, entertainment purposes only; no infringement intended.

Please friend this community rather than trying to join it - membership is limited to the authors - Thank you!

November 2006
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McKay [userpic]
31 October 1997

Original poster: black_cauldron

Music: Mars, Bringer of War, by Gustav Holst

The battle is joined )

McKay [userpic]
episode update

Original poster: scribbulus_ink

Today's episode has been updated with two pieces of art by [info]karasu_hime!

McKay [userpic]
October 27, 1997 - One decision changes everything

Original poster: werwolfoflondon

Music: Call from the Grave, from Mack the Knife

Warning: violence, character death

I still have teeth to use; I still have claws )

McKay [userpic]
October 22, 1997

Original poster: werwolfoflondon

Music: King of Bohemia, by Richard Thompson

And there is no peace, no true release, no secret place to crawl... )

McKay [userpic]
October 21, 1997

Original poster: black_cauldron

Music: Gods and Monsters, by Psyche

There's always a promise, in the dark of the night just before it's too late//Running out of time, but you know that the game's not over... )

McKay [userpic]

Original poster: scribbulus_ink

Tuesday's episode has been updated with art by [info]karasu_hime.

McKay [userpic]
October 20, 1997

Original poster: werwolfoflondon

Music: Violet, by Hole.

You should learn when to go / You should learn how to say no )

McKay [userpic]

Original poster: scribbulus_ink

Today's episode has been updated with two pieces of art by [info]karasu_hime.

McKay [userpic]
October 18, 1997 - Draco Arrives

Original poster: werwolfoflondon

Music: Espionage, by Green Day

October 18, 1997 - Draco Arrives )

McKay [userpic]
October 18, 1997

Original poster: werwolfoflondon

Music: In Fortune's Hand, by Clannad

There isn't a noble or a humble person / Who isn't up or down a while )

McKay [userpic]
October 16, 1997

Original poster: black_cauldron

Music: Kashmir, by Led Zeppelin

As I scan this wasted land//Trying to find, trying to find where I've been )

McKay [userpic]
TOS Playlist

Original poster: scribbulus_ink

I've compiled a list of all the songs used in the [info]time_of_storms soundtrack so far; I only listed the song and the artist/group, not a link to download it, but if anyone wants any of these songs, feel free to leave a comment, and I'll provide a download link.

Time of Storms playlist )

Current Mood: productive productive
Current Music: Project Runway - Season 3: Episode 9-Tim Gunn-Project Runway: Tim Gunn
McKay [userpic]
October 14, 1997

Original poster: black_cauldron

Music: Possession, by Sarah McLachlan

I will be the one to hold you down, kiss you so hard, I'll take your breath away... )

McKay [userpic]
October 10, 1997

Original poster: werwolfoflondon

Music: London, by Patrick Wolf

Too many fools in power... )

McKay [userpic]
An Anniversary!

Original poster: arionrhod

Hello, Everyone!

McKay pointed out to me that 20 August was the first anniversary of ToS! Thank you SO much, all of you, for staying with us during that time - it's been a heck of a trip, and there is definltely more to come!

As a matter of interest (and because I am an obsessive counter), the story up to this point is 142,373 words long. We'll probably be well over 200K by the time we get to the finale. Thanks so much for being a FABULOUS group of readers, and we look forward to the months to come - and hope that you do, too!

McKay [userpic]
October 11, 1997

Original poster: black_cauldron

Music: Waves of Sorrow, by Jerusalem Syndrome

And he breaks all the hope I ever held )

McKay [userpic]
October 9, 1997

Original poster: werwolfoflondon

I'm sorry I'm late! [info]arionrhod is in Vegas until the 19th, and I've been at the beach since Sunday, so I was netless and couldn't post until getting home today. We'll be back on our usual Tuesday schedule next week.

Music: Weapon, by Matthew Good Band

Here by my side, you are, destruction. )

McKay [userpic]
October 6, 1997

Original poster: werwolfoflondon

Note: Due to RL and fandom busy-ness for both of us, we're changing the posting schedule. For the time being, we'll be posting once per week on Tuesdays. If our schedules lighten up, we'll consider going back to our twice/week schedule, but right now, this is best for our respective stress levels.

Music: Dead Man's Party, by Oingo Boingo

October 6, 1997 )

McKay [userpic]
October 6, 1997

Original poster: black_cauldron

Note: Last week's episode has been updated with lovely art by [info]karasu_hime.

Music: All Stripped Down, by Tom Waits

October 6, 1997 )

McKay [userpic]
Status Update

Original poster: scribbulus_ink

Yikes! This was a much longer hiatus than [info]arionrhod and I intended, and we're sorry for the lengthy wait. We both wrote long stories individually and together for the [info]lupin_snape Fantasy Fest, and we planned to get back to work on TOS after that, but we didn't anticipate me having surgery and spending most of June recuperating.

But the good news is we've begun working on new episodes this weekend! We're going to get several episodes finished, edited, and in the can before we resume posting so we'll have a little buffer, but provided all goes well and there aren't anymore unexpected obstacles, you can expect to see TOS every Tuesday and Saturday again by August 1 at the latest, illustrated by [info]karasu_hime as her time and schedule permits.

Current Mood: productive productive
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