Apr. 26th, 2009


WHO: Carlisle Cullen and Rosalie Hale
WHAT: Rosalie wanted to talk to Carlisle, but he got pulled out by the boys to watch strippers. So... Rain check.
WHERE: The garage and front lawn of the Cullen House
WHEN: Sunday, early afternoon
STATUS: Thread, Complete

Things mostly involving Bella's wedding dress/veil getting covered in various amounts of oil and car grime... )

Apr. 24th, 2009


WHO: The Cullen men
WHAT: Edward's Bachelor Party
WHERE: Strip Club and Forest
WHEN: August 24, 2006
STATUS:[Thread, Incomplete.]
RATING: [Probable R for adult situations, sexuality and language]

Bachelor parties were tradition, at least for the first time you get married )

Mar. 30th, 2009


WHO: Rosalie Hale and Carlisle Cullen
WHAT: A chat after 'The Vote'
WHERE: Rosalie's Room, the Cullen's residence.
WHEN: March 23, 2006, Midnight
STATUS:Thread, Complete

It was a good thing that Vampire's didn't sleep, because Emmett would likely be on the couch tonight if they did. )