Apr. 24th, 2009


WHO: The Cullen men
WHAT: Edward's Bachelor Party
WHERE: Strip Club and Forest
WHEN: August 24, 2006
STATUS:[Thread, Incomplete.]
RATING: [Probable R for adult situations, sexuality and language]

Bachelor parties were tradition, at least for the first time you get married )

Apr. 17th, 2009


WHO: Tanya and Jasper
WHAT: Wedding guests arriving!
WHERE: Cullen House, Forks
WHEN: Mid-Morning, August 16th
STATUS: Open/Incomplete
RATING: TBD, likely nothing too high

As much as she enjoyed living in Alaska, it was nice to get back to Forks for a visit. )


WHO : Jasper Hale and Edward Cullen.
WHAT : Getting away from it all for a bit.
WHERE : Forest outside of Forks and as far as their feet will take them.
WHEN : August 13, 2006 [Backdated] - Afternoonish.
STATUS : Thread/Incomplete.
NOTE : Sorry this took so long to post. Stupid school paper. :)

We are ready to depart now, I feel. No doubt someone in the house would make a Yoda remark about that statement. )

Mar. 30th, 2009


WHO: Jasper Hale and Emmett Cullen.
WHAT: Advice from a not-so-good vegetarian.
WHERE: The Cullen residence.
WHEN: Soon after Jasper and Alice join the family, 1950s.
STATUS: Thread/Incomplete.
RATING: PG likely.

You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't. )