April 26th, 2009

[info]doctor_fang in [info]time_between

WHO: Carlisle Cullen and Rosalie Hale
WHAT: Rosalie wanted to talk to Carlisle, but he got pulled out by the boys to watch strippers. So... Rain check.
WHERE: The garage and front lawn of the Cullen House
WHEN: Sunday, early afternoon
STATUS: Thread, Complete

Things mostly involving Bella's wedding dress/veil getting covered in various amounts of oil and car grime... )

[info]garrettventures in [info]time_between

WHO: Garrett Carmack and Tanya Stoyalova
WHAT: A first time meeting.
WHERE: Forks
WHEN: Sunday August 26th, 7:49pm
STATUS:Thread, Incomplete.

Carlisle had always been such a well dressed and proper man.  )