August 17th, 2011



December 2, 2056

Who: Gabriel and Anais
What: Commiserating with a co-worker over drinks
When: Evening
Where: Canidae

London had been a disaster. Gabe was utterly convinced that no matter how long he spent moseying around the Earth, he’d never quite get used to just how cruel humans could be to one another. Evidently the old gypsy had been right about what he’d seen and there was nothing about his visions that could be avoided, there had been nothing the OSI could do to stop the riots that erupted. Gabe and Anais had left so quickly, they’d hurried across borders and tried everything in their power to identify the groups that were destined to clash, to find out how and when and where, to stop it… And they still hadn’t been able to. They’d run themselves ragged and still had to watch as humans and supernaturals alike collided with both themselves and one another. It was at the point that their mission had turned from one of prevention into one of containment. They were directed to, at any cost, keep all news about the ‘London incident’ from leaking out; at that, they’d managed to be successful, at least. Only the most vague whispers of something having happened had reached Amsterdam; Gabe had kept an ear to the ground just in case, just to make sure that he and his partner had done what they could. News of something like London would only to serve to spark the idea in other parts of the globe and there weren’t enough OSI agents to go around. Police and military alone weren’t quite capable of handling such large, supernatural-heavy incidents just yet and it was scary to think what could come of an inappropriately managed riot. It could end up so much worse than London had.

Once they’d returned to Amsterdam, sleep had been the main thing on Gabe’s mind since he’d foregone it for most of their time out of the country. He’d taken a couple of days to relax, to recoup, then promptly invited his partner to meet him for beverages where ever she wanted. That’s what co-workers did, right? They commiserated over some horrible aspect of their job, usually over alcohol. The stuff might not have been capable of having much of an affect on a seraph, but that didn’t mean Gabe didn’t enjoy it just the same. He’d heard about Canidae but had never been – then again, working for the OSI in the unofficial supernatural capital of the world didn’t leave you a lot of time for socializing. So tonight was the rare chance to just out and be amongst his own kind, even if they weren’t his own race, to relax and get to know a bit more about his new partner in a non-occupational setting.

There was already a line outside the bar by the time he arrived and Gabe had no problem waiting patiently, I.D. in hand for the doorman when he finally reached him. Even dressed in one of his suits for work, he was aware that he barely looked the legal drinking age in most countries, let alone his actual age, so it was no surprise when he was continually carded. Tucking his wallet back into his back pocket, Gabe stepped inside the bar, letting his gaze sweep over the sizeable crowd gathered inside. An earlier text from Anais had informed him she’d be waiting at the bar for his arrival and, sure enough, he could see her towards the end, a fresh drink sitting in front of her. He set off to weave his way through the mass of bodies, emerging to lower himself onto a stool at her side, “Hey.” Flashing a lightly dimpled smile, he turned to the bartender for a minute to place his order, “Gin and tonic, please. Top shelf.” If he was going to drink and not be able to get drunk, he at least wanted to do it on quality alcohol. “Have you recovered from the trip yet?” Gabe inquired after a moment, adjusting his glasses as he glanced her direction. He wasn’t over what he’d seen, he probably never would be, but rest had left him feeling a bit more like himself.