23 October 2010 @ 12:41 pm
WHO: Erica Bones and Chloe Carmichael
WHEN: Friday, 15 October, breakfast.
WHERE: Their flat.
WHAT: Chloe has no willpower and asks about kittens.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: you're the best flatmate ever. )
19 October 2010 @ 11:22 pm
WHO: Paige to Jay
WHAT: SMS message
WHERE: Random football (soccer) field.
WHEN: Wednesday 1:30 AM

Anne Bradstreet is not bad omens.

17 October 2010 @ 08:47 pm
thread: louis and michaela  
Who: Louis and Michaela
When: Saturday, October 16 (backdated)
Where: Louis's Flat, Glinda Gardens
What: TBD, date night
Status: Incomplete

Michaela was distracted. )
17 October 2010 @ 06:22 pm
[ooc: Backdated to Friday since I fail]

14 October 2010 @ 06:57 pm
log: Ace and Michaela  
Who: Ace and Michaela
When: Tuesday, October 12
Where: Michaela's room, Warrington House
What: Ace returns Michaela's flown, and Michaela confides in him.
Status: Completed log!

So her 'par-a-noi-a' was rooted in something concrete and this wasn’t just another round of 'my society is better than your society.' )
11 October 2010 @ 10:26 pm
Circle Dinner  
Who: Whitney Warrington, Matthew Bobbin, Darian Savage, Brian Proudfoot, and the Circle class of 2023
Where/When: Cosimo's, Monday evening
Summary: What is up with the owls? Why did the Eye start picking Muggleborns? Why is Whitney trying to fatten up the actives? And who'd want to drink Tabasco sauce? These questions are at least partially answered, and a new question is posed: Are you in?

We are all caught in the middle / of one long treacherous riddle )
11 October 2010 @ 01:13 pm
Text to Albus  
Who: Michaela to Albus
What: Flown Text Message
Where: Circle Room, Hogwarts
When: 5 am, Monday morning

Flown Text message to Albus )
08 October 2010 @ 04:07 pm
OWL to WAQ Actives  
The following students each receive an anonymous owl. The WAQ symbol is used as a seal for the envelope, and the note is signed with a symbol of an owl. The note each member receives contains one line, and when put in this order, the following is read:

 (Niles) I'll make this painless, try to be sweet
 (Lindsay) I could confrigo your heart any day of the week
 (Frances) Squeeze life out of you, wrap you in sheets
 (David) I could confrigo your heart any day of the week
 (Iwan) Let the walls chalk, let the floorboards creak
 (Rose) Monday, tuesday, wednesday, I'll make you nervous
 (Nicola) Thursday, friday, saturday
 (Casey) Do not disturb us
 (Samuel) Sunday rolls around,
 (Lucy) but that's another story.
07 October 2010 @ 12:49 am
Who: Michaela to Prentiss
What: Flown Text Message
Where: Warrington House
When: (backdated to Wed.)

Flown Text message to Prentiss )
02 October 2010 @ 01:57 am
Who: Cynthie to Niles
What: Floo Text
When: Friday Night October 1st

Text Message )